SEAC spotted on EBAY

SEAC spotted on EBAY



Original Poster:

21,563 posts

295 months

Wednesday 19th March 2003
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Found this for sale on EBAY...

might be of interest to someone.

Personally - I just have to grab the keys and open
the garage door for my SEAC fix !!


354 posts

268 months

Wednesday 19th March 2003
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Its a magazine...


6,034 posts

269 months

Wednesday 19th March 2003
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thanks rev-erend
you had me going for a minute
might put abid on it though


805 posts

277 months

Wednesday 19th March 2003
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The picture was even the colour you wanted wasn't it?


6,034 posts

269 months

Wednesday 19th March 2003
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blue with cream leather, does anyone know the car?

>> Edited by stainless_steve on Wednesday 19th March 18:35


Original Poster:

21,563 posts

295 months

Thursday 20th March 2003
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Steve - I can't believe Duncan is out
bidding you...


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 20th March 2003
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Hmmm - I wondered if it was Steve bidding, but couldn't work the Zorro connection out.....


6,034 posts

269 months

Thursday 20th March 2003
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not me bidding,i would rather have the real thing


6,034 posts

269 months

Thursday 20th March 2003
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wow looked like you wanted it bad Duncan?


2,190 posts

280 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Yeah - it's my car......

Looks like Gareth wanted it pretty bad as well.

My words are failing me. I can't begin to describe how I feel about the winner timing his bid within seconds of closure to make sure nobody had a chance of topping it. With over 380 purchases flagged by eBay, he must have got this last second bidding down to a fine art.

Why do I have a suspicion that I'm shortly going to get an email from them offering to sell me the publication, plus a tasty commission.

They must be making a friggin fortune out of eBay.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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At least you have a real one but still must be a pain for that to happen. Seems a lesson for us all, watch out for the ebay stalkers...if you can.


Original Poster:

21,563 posts

295 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Duncan - If I had known it was you car
- then I would have emailed you and not posted...
sorry !!


6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Nacnud said: Yeah - it's my car......

Looks like Gareth wanted it pretty bad as well.

My words are failing me. I can't begin to describe how I feel about the winner timing his bid within seconds of closure to make sure nobody had a chance of topping it. With over 380 purchases flagged by eBay, he must have got this last second bidding down to a fine art.

Why do I have a suspicion that I'm shortly going to get an email from them offering to sell me the publication, plus a tasty commission.

They must be making a friggin fortune out of eBay.

erm i dont know how to say this but it was the wife who has the fine art on Ebay. she got it for me for my birthday, not knowing it was your car Duncan.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Opps better amend my reply then....


Original Poster:

21,563 posts

295 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Duncan if you want it for the price she paid let me know.Ifeel a right tw@t.



805 posts

277 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Nacnud said: Yeah - it's my car......

Looks like Gareth wanted it pretty bad as well.

My words are failing me. I can't begin to describe how I feel about the winner timing his bid within seconds of closure to make sure nobody had a chance of topping it. With over 380 purchases flagged by eBay, he must have got this last second bidding down to a fine art.

Why do I have a suspicion that I'm shortly going to get an email from them offering to sell me the publication, plus a tasty commission.

They must be making a friggin fortune out of eBay.

It wasn't this Gareth bidding.


6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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gf350 said:

Nacnud said: Yeah - it's my car......

Looks like Gareth wanted it pretty bad as well.

My words are failing me. I can't begin to describe how I feel about the winner timing his bid within seconds of closure to make sure nobody had a chance of topping it. With over 380 purchases flagged by eBay, he must have got this last second bidding down to a fine art.

Why do I have a suspicion that I'm shortly going to get an email from them offering to sell me the publication, plus a tasty commission.

They must be making a friggin fortune out of eBay.

It wasn't this Gareth bidding.

wonder who was zorro?


2,190 posts

280 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Steve, I’m really touched..
Much as I would love to have the publication it would also make me feel pretty bad to deprive you of your ideal birthday present. Full marks to your Mrs.

If I was in your shoes then I suspect that I’d be collecting anything SEAC related (I still am!). I didn’t know of this publication and it’s an exciting discovery. My SEAC didn’t make it into the SEAC Special Edition of Sprint (Aug 94); the only previous appearance I’ve located was an Autocar road test which you can read online at

My conscience might let me get away with acquiring the original if I could sweeten the deal. Perhaps I could host the two of you for a weekends TVR fest; I could organise a mini-convoy for a good blat through the fantastic scenery in this part of world or invite you to an event such as Gang on the Green (last years Gorge Rumble was just a warm up, this is going to be MEGA. July 20th, full details in Sprint soon). I’m sure I should be able to find a couple of passenger seats (including my SEAC) even if you don’t have your own SEAC by then.


2,190 posts

280 months

Friday 21st March 2003
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Just a thought – I’ve heard on the grapevine that Patrick Deary might be selling TVR 420X. This white 420 SEAC has achieved a certain celebrity status as it appeared on the front cover of Classic and Sports Car a couple of years ago along with a fantastic feature.

For some reason Patrick’s SEAC is very very much louder than mine or Brm Brm’s. It is absolutely awesome. Check out the Duxford SEAC video on the downloads page of and you will see exactly what I mean.