350i Indicator / wipers stalk

350i Indicator / wipers stalk



Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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My 350i is an 87 s2. Does anyone know what the indicator stalk originates from?


349 posts

287 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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My '88 390 is rover SD1.
have you got the flick switch for the headlights low down on the left of the column? if so then it will be.
have heard about earlier wedges using triumph Columns,and 400's are instantly recognisable ford (sierra/granada?)stubby switches.
Hope this helps


1,820 posts

272 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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I own a TVR 350i S2 (1987) and can also confirm that it are Rover SD1 stalks.
But don't know if the latest model of SD1 had the same stalks. I own a SD1 1981, and it has the same stalks and the 'flap' switchs for the head lamps.



349 posts

287 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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had a C reg 3500SE (before my 3500 Auto P6)
The switches were no different.
Ahh the old SD1...(bleary eyed).... a good car really apart from the appalling build quality!
Can i see a british trait here??;-)


805 posts

277 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Mine was off a a rover sd1.
If your looking for one, I recently got a brand new one off e-bay (complete unit with indicator and wiper), I got the impression the seller had quite a few of them, I'll dig out his number if you need one.
cost me £20 - bargain!
Even found a brand new light switch on there also, the seller even sent me a free spare used one so if anyone needs one of these its free to the first email.


349 posts

287 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Bo%&*cks! paid out over £50 for a new indicator switch from Lucas only four months ago!
Mutter mutter,,....


Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Numbers - yes please! I think you baet me to the Ebay one but was not sure anyway...



805 posts

277 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Have dug out the paperwork.
It was from Motorpart of London
Telephone 020 8657 9086
I paid 19.95 plus vat for the whole thing ie indicator switch and wiper switch as a complete unit that fits onto the stering column, connectors are the same.
I have seen a few on there since but didn't see one when I checked now.
PS. ebay is a good source for spares for anyone who hasn't already found it.
I think my best one to date has to be a brand new boxed (not recon) tr7 headlight motor which might have looked expensive at £47 until you check what they cost elsewhere!!
or the cibie arport driving light, brand new in box complete £14.99
I've never had any negative experiences on there at all.

>> Edited by gf350 on Monday 17th March 21:53


6,034 posts

269 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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If you see a 450 seac on Ebay let me know Gareth,(i wish lmao), back from working away.


805 posts

277 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Hi Steve,
Good to hear from you, rest assured if I see one you'll be the first to know. I still think a 420 seac might be worth a look, I might be wrong on this but the yellow racer in sprint was a 420. I know you have your heart set on the 450 but there can't be that much power difference can there?
PS I noticed the 400sx has sold anyone know where it went? If I had £14000 lying around I wouldn't have needed to ask that!!
PPS. Steve, has Andy sent you the pictures of the underneath of his car with your straps fitted. Its quite a job hes done there!!

>> Edited by gf350 on Monday 17th March 22:19


6,034 posts

269 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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hi Gareth,
it has to be a 450,(im a fussy sod),never got to see the sx, only got back from Kent on friday. Andy sent me the pics hes done a great job.Think he wants some more stainless parts making.Hope hes sorted the engine prob out.
Sorry pettsie,im not pinching ur thread.
cheers steve
ps,blue with cream leather would be great?(think i might be pushing my luck abit lol)

>> Edited by stainless_steve on Monday 17th March 23:05


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th March 2003
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Just one word of warning... I replaced the headlamp indicator switch stalk and found that there are two types of connector used on the SD1 and even with the right connector... the wiring was different: one of the pins was in the wrong place. Had to rewire the connector to get the headlamp flash to work.

Follow the Heath maxim and check everything!