Technical Data Wanted - 400SE (Suspension Geomtry)

Technical Data Wanted - 400SE (Suspension Geomtry)



Original Poster:

9 posts

264 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Hi. Does anybody out there know what the suspension geometry should be set to on a 1990 400SE (or where to get it)? I'm talking about the following settings:

Front: Camber, Caster, Track
Rear: Camber, Track.

Please do not misunderstand this request, I have already set it up to be // and sensible, but I remember that when I set it to the factory settings, it was fantastic. Thanks in advance.

NB. Tyre pressures would be good too (the handbook has disapeared since the last time I worked on this car.


12,706 posts

291 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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I suggest you buy a copy of Steve Heath's 'The TVR Wedges - Vol 1, Maintenance'. This is an excellent 'bible' of all things Wedge shaped.

See for more info. Order through the TVR Car Club or (maybe direct from Steve?)


354 posts

268 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Tyre pressures from the owners manual for 225/15's are 22psi front and 24psi rear.

Now then! Whate are they for a 350i 205/60's? I have a 350i with a 400 manual!!!

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Same pressure according to my '85 350 manual


274 posts

268 months

Tuesday 18th March 2003
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I was recently given the following information from the factory

Castor - more important that both sides are same (within 1/4 degree) than the actual camber setting, which is usually abt 5 - 6 degrees
Track - Parallel to 10 -20 minutes toe in (total)
Camber - not adjustable on my car

Camber - 3/4 degree negative
Track - 5 to 10 mins toe in at each wheel

I would be interested to hear if any one has experience of different settings.



Original Poster:

9 posts

264 months

Tuesday 18th March 2003
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Excellant - Thanks to all for the information.