Won't start, where to start.

Won't start, where to start.



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Sunday 16th March 2003
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Well it's been a long quiet winter, and it has given me enough time to forgive my 350i for previous expenses. Now I have booked it in to have new front springs fitted, and despite starting it every three or four weeks without a problem, the time I go to start it to bring it to Tower View, it refuses.
I thought the battery might just be flat, but I charged it and it turns over nicely, but just won't catch. It sounds really close, but it doesn't fire up.
So I'm no mechanic, and I'm sure this is the most trivial problem I have had so far, but I just don't know where to start.
Any advice for the mechanically challenged appreciated. I can't bump start it because its a (stupid) automatic. I don't know what else to try.
p.s. I'm sure somebody will be able to answer this when they get back from having a great time in the sun today...bah humbug.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 16th March 2003
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I find that holding the throttle open about an inch always helps my 350 start immediately after it's been neglected for a few weeks.


805 posts

277 months

Sunday 16th March 2003
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Hi David,
Nice to see you have still got your car, I feared you might have sold it as I had not seen you post anythig for a while!
The only time mine didn't start was when I had been playing around with the fuel pump and had accidentially pulled one of the wires out, (if I remember correctly there is a yellow wire hanging out that does nothing so don't wory about that one).
If it were me I would try putting some new petrol in as the old stuff can go off a bit after a while (?).
Also check none of the HT leads are earthing on anything and possibly have a look in the distributor cap see if it looks clean and the rotor arm is in one piece.
OR call out the AA and get them to fix it!!
I'm sure you will get some more informed suggestions.
best regards,

PS My project is still progressing, sort of!!


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Sunday 16th March 2003
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Hi Gareth,
WIth behaviour like this I'm thinkng of selling. But perhaps when I get it on the road with the roof off I'll change my mind. I am getting a bit cheesed off though.
I'll have another go tomorrow.


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Sunday 16th March 2003
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danny hoffman said: I find that holding the throttle open about an inch always helps my 350 start immediately after it's been neglected for a few weeks.

I'm a bit scared of flooding it, but I'll give it a go.


354 posts

268 months

Sunday 16th March 2003
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Fuel and ignition required! First check for a spark at the plug(s). Take a plug out and put the lead back on. Have someone turn the engine over whilst you hold the plug against the engine USE INSULATED PLIERS or its time!

If you have a spark move onto step 2. If not check points, distributor cap, ignition leads etc. Try another plug also.

If you have a spark then pull off the petrol feed pipe and point it into a suitable container. Remove the HT lead from the coil. Turn engine - briefly - check for fuel flow.

If both ok then call the AA (or Tower View). If you have little oiley skills anything else is best left to them that do.


12,706 posts

291 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Behaviour like this can be expected when any car is left for months unused. Regular use keeps them happy. I suggest you check the fuel and add at least 5 litres more 'fresh' petrol as the contents of the tank will have degraded over time.


349 posts

287 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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When mine choked in the driveway when putting it away (and wouldnt start again), it turned out to be the engine coolant temp sensor on the inlet manifold.
She would turn over but not fire properly
The Rover SD1 haynes manual has a really good faultfinding bit in the rear supplement .All you need is a quality multimeter to do the checks.


459 posts

295 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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One thing to check is the inertia switch (is there one on the Wedge?), I've just had a new alarm fitted to my V8S and it took the fitter a couple of hours to get the car going after he accidently disturbed it. If your fuel pump isn't priming this could be a possibility.
