Wheely miffed

Wheely miffed



Original Poster:

856 posts

293 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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Dear fellow wedgesters.

My 450SE OZ alloys are looking a little tyred (get it !!!)
The "titanium" rim bolts are looking rusty so I can tart them up with hammerite no problem. The wheel spokes and centres are very good. The rims are pitted though, not too bad but noticeable (especially to me).

Can you polish the rims with a polish or do they need POLISHING with a abrasive. If you use an abrasive surely this will remove the laquer, hence the wheels will need relaquering, this then leads to the question, I might as well leave them as they are, get my kids a paper round so that I can afford to have them properly refurbished.

Has anyone got any helpful tips ? If you have had this type of wheel refurbished how much did it cost you ?




6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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I posted a thread about this about 3 years ago on the tvrccmailing list.
you can get an arbour wheel from a DIY store to attack to your electric drill, and, using autosol and some water, polish carefully the rim.