headlamps - finer detail

headlamps - finer detail



Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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All I ever seem to do is ask for advice here ...... must be the nature of wedge ownership so here goes again! I have one problem to fix to get my MOT and that is the headlamp pods do not butt against the nosecone when raised. Each pod has a slightly different problem causing this. One pod winks when returning to the closed position. This one I can adjust so it is tight against the nosecone, although it will not close when I switch it off due to it trying to raise itself further before it can close. Therefore I have to set it a little short of the nosecone to get it to close. I have tried adjusting the length of the cam link bar between the motor and the pod, but this does not seem to make much difference. This pod also sits a bit high when closed. I am guessing it is some geometric triangulation thingy between the motor and the 2 mount points on the pod, and if I change the pod mount position forward by the distance the pod sits up in the closed position, the 'winking' should stop and i can adjust it tight against the bumpstop. Can anyone confirm this before I start drilling holes where I shouldn't?
The second pod has some play in it (about 1 inch) due to the bar that exits the top of the motor being a bit loose. Is this fixable or do I need to buy a new motor? I cannot see any adjustment or tightening screw or nut on this bar, so I am guessing the motor shaft is worn in this one. I had a look back at headlamp stuff on the forum, but couldn't find this level of detail. Wedgie does your new headlamp stuff for tvrwedgepages (not yet published) go into this detail?


253 posts

269 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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I had similar problems, and more, when I first got my 280i. Spent hours and hours trying to get them right. I now have pods that raise up to the stops, dont shake on bumpy roads, and they go down flush with the nose, although one is a few seconds behind the other. After adjusting the link rod, bending the cam arm (which worked but a bit of a bodge). After this the motor failed so I set about the problem another way. I took up the slack in the cam arm by closing up the "DD" to a snug fit on the drive shaft, I then radially elongated the holes in the bracket so that the gearbox of the pod motor could be rotated by about 6mm. Fitted it all back, adjusted the link (several times) and had no problems.


856 posts

293 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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I had my MOT done last week. My offside pod does not raise under its own steam at all, due to a prob I still have to get round to sorting (ahemm!!). I was told by the tester that as long as the lamp itself comes on when switched on and you can manually raise the pod (which you can) then no problems. Hence my luvvverly 450 has a clean bill of health for another year (hurrahhh). Now then.....where is my head lamp motor adjusting hammer......



6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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I was going to suggest that to pass the MOT, remove the fuse / relay to the lift motor and wind the pods into place manually. Have the MOT done with the pods up. Tell the tester if he asks they are stuck up. There is no legal requirement for pop up headlights to be working, just that the lights work, and are adjusted propperly.

then you can peruse the problem at your own leasure.


Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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hmmm ... good idea regarding locking them in place. I have resolved one pod problem last night, the nut securing the cam to the motor arm was loose, so the addition of a non-slip washer and a quick tighten has resolved that one. I think I might have the resolution to the second one too, but I need to know if the pod does in fact come up the whole way when raised. Can someone look and let me know if the rubber stopper is tight against the nosecone when the pod is raised? Also maybe measure the height the pod is raised from the nosecone (highest point). I have set the pods to raise by 22cm, but they do not sit flush with the bodywork when in the down position. I have re-adjusted the height to 20cm when raised, and they sit more flush when back down, but the stopper at the base of the pod is short of the bodywork by a corresponding amount.

edited to make more sense 'cause it didn't after I read it!

edited to say I have adjusted the height of the stopper on the base of the pod as high as it will go also
>> Edited by petercam on Thursday 13th March 13:53

>> Edited by petercam on Thursday 13th March 14:00

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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Rubber stopper should be tight under the nose cone, well it is on mine


Original Poster:

273 posts

284 months

Friday 14th March 2003
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cheers Danny, I guess I'll have to play about some more to get it right.