Buying a Wedge

Buying a Wedge



Original Poster:

9 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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I am going to buy a 3500 1986 of a mate that has been sitting in his backgarden for about 3 years. I heard it start last year, it started on the button. It was exposed to all the elements for about 6 months and is now in a car port. Interior is a bit tatty and has alovelly plant growing in the engine bay. It has a seac rear spoiler and aftermarket alloys. It is a stolen recovered in its past. Has bills for over £6k on engine, from the previous owner, low milage. What do I offer him I was thinking around the 2K mark is that about right.


421 posts

274 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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Check what the chassis is like before doing anything. Outriggers in particular. £2K sounds about right, if there is serious money required to get into tip top condition. Good Luck!


260 posts

267 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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If its been standing for a long time in a garden, perhaps in contact with damp stuff underneath, I'd check the whole chasis, right down the transmission tunnel and the front cross members etc. The outriggers can be replaced at relatively low cost, relative, that is to a complete new chasis, which is what might be needed if the backbone is too far gone...


Original Poster:

9 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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What is the best way to check the chassis apart from getting underneath how do I check the tranny tunell?
Will probelbly be able to drive it to a MOT garrage and get it up on a ramp and give it a good going over.
Well maybe push it lol.


599 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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plewis66 said: If its been standing for a long time in a garden, perhaps in contact with damp stuff underneath, I'd check the whole chasis, right down the transmission tunnel and the front cross members etc. The outriggers can be replaced at relatively low cost, relative, that is to a complete new chasis, which is what might be needed if the backbone is too far gone...

Whats the going rate for outrigger replacement v. new chassis?


782 posts

274 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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£2k - are you nuts! I've just got a Series 1 350i, runner, series 2 bumpers and fr.spoiler. Interior needs a clean and seats covered and the centre console replacing, chassis, hood, wheels, etc are v.good - £750. (mind the guy hated it and it'd stood out over the winter). If your chassis is kaput I'd sell the chassis from under the body on this one.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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I found a good way of checking bits you can't see easy is to nick the wifes vanity mirror and a good torch and use them to inspect over the transmission bits etc. Use a prodder like a screwdriver, providing the owner will let you, and have a poke around (oh er missis). Good access is also needed so a friendly garage with a high ramp is better than ordinary ramps etc.
Just my 2p worth.


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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Take the p155 a bit and offer him £1750 or £1800 in nic crisp notes. If the chassis needs attention its gonna cost you. Typically, a new chassis can cost anything from £1000 upwards (plus the cost of stripping / replacing the body.)
if the chassis is didgy, you might end up also overhaulling the wheel bearings, drive shaft U/J's , Rear Diff. Dont forget too if the car has been left, water or damp in the oil is almost a certanty. so the engine will probably need a service too (£200 - £400) at a specialist plus parts ...

before you know it, you could be looking to spend £4,000 - £6,000 on the car in the worst case.



989 posts

273 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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Yay, Wedges are great :-) Mine was £1500, was a bit poorly but may well be going for an MOT in the next couple of weeks, if I can get a few last niggles sorted

I don't know why but I have an evil plan to buy myself another one to play with/work on over next winter. This will be my impractical car to replace my current impractical car. I NEED a V8 £750? Where? Got any more!



534 posts

295 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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A new chassis from TVR is £2300

Add to that the cost of getting it shotblasted and powder coated properly when it's delivered to you

In the end (luckily) I didn't have to go down this route, but it's an example of just how costly it can get. Also bear in mind that outrigger replacement (at least) is only a matter of time. I had my chassis done at Peninsula (bloody good job they have done too!), and they have now got Chimaera's and Griffiths queuing up to have outriggers done, which shows you generally how cr@p they are (sorry for the TVR negative comments, but 7-8 year old cars needed that level of work is poor).

The quotes I had for outrigger replacement (this was 2 years ago though) was £1000 without taking the body off, or £1500 with the body off.



989 posts

273 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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Eeeek, didn't realise it was that much! Glad I did it myself for the grand sum of £20+pain :-)


856 posts

293 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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Don't quote me on this but I did hear that Wedge Chassis and outriggers will last longer than Griff/chim onwards. I was told that Wedge chassis from the mid eighties were sent to a firm in Preston to be dipped in whatever coating it was rather than the electro-charged powder coating they do now in house. My 1990 450 Chassis is still in A1 condition apart from the outriggers which now have surface rust on them requiring a rub down, hammerite and waxoyl job. Once again prepared to be shot down by anyone who knows different



Original Poster:

9 posts

264 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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so we are reallly looking at about 1k around that sort of figure if the there is about 2to 3 k in work and it is still a stolen recoverd car. It got horrable alloys where can I get the origionals.

P.S. I saw a G 350ise in a car park in watford in lovelly metalic green yummm very nice.


805 posts

277 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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The original alloys are no longer made as far as I know. You can pick them up second hand occasionally.
I got a spare set when one of the guys on this forum fitted bigger alloys to his modified 350i/460i.
You might even find someone who wants to do a swap for them if you put an ad on wedgepages or PH.


12,843 posts

269 months

Friday 14th March 2003
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dbs, if the engine is as good as you make out then the car is worth at least £2500.
How much work can you do yourself? Don't worry about wheels and good luck.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 14th March 2003
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I have a spare 15" lattice alloy for sale - or swap with a space saver



Original Poster:

9 posts

264 months

Monday 17th March 2003
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Well I`m going for it. Looking around 2k as stated in the begining, still a but unsure as to how how to check the outriggers, at the mot testing station or jacking the car up.

I have very little mecanical experence, but have a friendly mecanic who will do bits for me if he has nothing on.

I want to learn, I did a fair bit on my old mgbgt Sebering water pump thermostat service ect.