It aint much (!) but is mine

It aint much (!) but is mine



Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Monday 10th March 2003
quotequote all
My motor. Ones in lurv! Note my brother in laws rather startled look! His hat was on the right way round when we started.

Should let you in now. Thanks!

>>> Edited by Pettsie on Monday 10th March 20:35

>>> Edited by Pettsie on Monday 10th March 20:37

>>> Edited by Pettsie on Monday 10th March 21:05


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 10th March 2003
quotequote all
Ah ha. Can see it now. Like the colour.
>> Edited by jmorgan on Monday 10th March 17:33

>> Edited by jmorgan on Monday 10th March 22:09


856 posts

293 months

Monday 10th March 2003
quotequote all
Welcome to the wonderous world of wedge. Be warned....there is no turning back (well...only to pick up the bits that have dropped off !!).

Have fun !!!!

Broadside an'a 450


260 posts

267 months

Monday 10th March 2003
quotequote all
Ain't much? Looks good to me!



26,506 posts

269 months

Monday 10th March 2003
quotequote all
same colour as mine but yours is shiny and not covered in seagul guano!! nice one.


198 posts

294 months

Monday 10th March 2003
quotequote all
Car looks great, welcome to wedge ownership sure to make you smile.