Wedges at PH5

Wedges at PH5



Original Poster:

92 posts

271 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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Are there any other wedges planning on going to PH5
it looks to be quite a gathering,
Plewis66 / Bob let me know if you fancy run out, hopefully I will have rebuilt my rear calipers by Saturday after losing a pad.
Dave & brakeless 350I

nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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I'll be there with a bit of luck ....


1,053 posts

293 months

Monday 10th March 2003
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Would be if it wasn't for this antisocial shift work...


1,323 posts

278 months

Monday 10th March 2003
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Are there any other wedges planning on going to PH5
it looks to be quite a gathering,
Plewis66 / Bob let me know if you fancy run out, hopefully I will have rebuilt my rear calipers by Saturday after losing a pad.
Dave & brakeless 350I

Sorry to sound ignorant but, where is PH5? and when?

>> Edited by bobfrance on Monday 10th March 08:57


Original Poster:

92 posts

271 months

Monday 10th March 2003
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PH5 meeting this Saturday at Tankersley Manor, Barnsley
just off the M1 j36,See the post on Piston Heads,Events for more Details.


260 posts

267 months

Monday 10th March 2003
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I'm going to speak to the missus tonight to see what goes on. Her step father is on Chemo at the momoent, so we may be busy at weekend...


260 posts

267 months

Monday 10th March 2003
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'Hey Pat, are we doing anything this Saturday?'
'Well, you're taking the TVR in for its MOT.'