Engine oil - Which one do you use ?

Engine oil - Which one do you use ?



Original Poster:

125 posts

265 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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I need to top up my engine oil - can anyone recommend one for my 400. I am thinkng of using Mobil 10/40 semi-synthetic.

Many thanks in advance.

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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I think your choice of synthetic is a good one, and I have used Mobil 1 in my sports cars for 7 years. I use Mobil 15W50 or 20W50 (if I can find it)in my 450 SE. I certainly notice a difference in oil pressure with the 15 or 20 weight over the 10 weight. 10 weight was giving me about 30 psi while the 15 and 20 gives me about 35 psi.



3,800 posts

290 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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Definitly go for the thicker oils, 15/50W or 20/50W's. Valvoline do a good semi-synthetic, the thinner stuff makes life harder on the camshaft which isn't the best lubricated item in the first place.


1,196 posts

274 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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A lot of manufactures now make a fully synthetic 20w/50 which is what I use, Demon Tweeks have a good range such as Redline and Torco oils in this viscosity.


6,025 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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I used to have Mobil1 0-40 when the car was serviced at TVR main dealers, These days I put in Magnatec (bought cheap from France in Bulk).
Peninsula put Royal Purple in at my last Service I believe.
The last french Trip / oil change I did, I bought a shed load of Castrol GTX Fully Synthetic, now whenever the wedge gets thirsty.. its gets a splash of this stuff.
Incidently, I also use the same oil for my Volvo T5. its 5w-40 viscosity i believe