Powerlock Diff oil

Powerlock Diff oil



Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Friday 7th March 2003
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Can anyone shed some light on the oil capacity of the powerlock diff? or is it just a case of filling it up to the filler hole?
Also there seems to be so many variants of LSD oil these days what is everyone else using in theirs?
I'm thinking of Millers CRX semi synthetic, designed for older cars.


3,800 posts

290 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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The capacity should be 1.5Ltrs but you do just fill it up to the filler hole, convientially located with about a 1" gap from the boot bulkhead.
I use Valvoline 75/90W LSD Diff oil and its been ok for the last 20K miles.



Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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Thanks Matt,

I was looking at the Valvoline too, following your endorsement I will probably go that route.
I have just brought a great tool from Machine Mart, an oil suction gun, just draw up the oil from the bottle, and squirt it in ! it also has a nice long pipe so hopefully no problems with access.


26,902 posts

276 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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I have one very similar for topping up my gearbox: it's a well-cleaned Fairy liquid bottle and a length of rubber tube!



Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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wedg1e said: I have one very similar for topping up my gearbox: it's a well-cleaned Fairy liquid bottle and a length of rubber tube!


A good alternative, but for £10 you cant go wrong really.


16,371 posts

295 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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I had no idea what to put in the powerlocker diff so i went to the jag dealer and they just gave me 5ltrs of the stuff for nothing.... apparently they hardley ever change it !!!! i managed to overheat mine oops...


Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Sunday 9th March 2003
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You are right, I went to David Manners Jag specialist, they didn't stock it! so I guess its not a common change. Nice to see a fellow West Midlander posting.



1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 28th March 2003
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Does anyone know of a source for LSD oil. Preferably around the Manchester area. Tried looking on the web, Halfords, Partco, Maccess/Regor, the local motor factors etc etc. The Jag main dealer wants £50 for a minimum quantity of 5 litres.
I am not fussed about the make as long as it is LS/DL Spec.
The alternative is to use Castrol B373, but the Demon Tweeks catalogue says that it is not recommended for road use. Is anyone using this in a Wedge LSD?


Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Friday 28th March 2003
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I enquired with Demon Tweeks about the LSD diff oil, the ones I asked about about didnt have any noise reducing qualities and I was told it would sound like the diff had exploded!
In the end I went for the Valvoline Durablend GL-5 LS semi synthetic 75w/90, I emailed Valvoline who gave me a number for the local agent in my area and was told where to get it, only 10 minutes away as it happened!