390SE or 350SE

390SE or 350SE



Original Poster:

14 posts

293 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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I have a 390 SE (Series 2). Obiviously this has a 3905cc engine. However on my log book the engine size is stated as 3498cc. I've never really queeried this - I've owned the car for the last 10 years. However, I've decided to sell it (to make room for a Cerbie) and therefore placed an add on the Auto-trader website. However on entering the registration (F200 HEO) the model came back as a 350SE. (I've also placed an add in the classifieds section - with pictures - on this site but it's not up yet.) This seems a bit strange to me as it looks exactly like a 390SE (a friend of mine had one - mine always seemed a bit quicker than his ??), Oz split rims, slightly curvier looking - and an added SEAC boot spoiler. Does anyone know this car or shed any light on the different engine size on the log book - hopefully it will be in the classifieds section soon and you will see what I mean.


234 posts

295 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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I had similar concerns with my 390 a while ago. My log book says it's 3498. Somebody reassured me it is a 390SE by pointing out something under the bonnet that gives the game away. I can't remember what it was now though . Which is of absolutely no use to you whatsoever, but proves it can happen.

Edited to add:
Just remembered that mine is probably on the AA's database as a 350i as it didn't seem to recognise a 390SE. Perhaps a similar thing has happened with yours on whatever database Autotrader uses?

>> Edited by daved on Thursday 6th March 16:01


4,476 posts

295 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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The 390 was not an official model but available as an upgrade to a 350, maybe that explains it.

Yes I know the model was listed in Autocar and the pricelists etc, but when they were ordered from the factory they were ordered as an upgrade to a 350, and a lot of the V5 paper work says 350i, etc

If you are unsure contact Rus Wood (on PH) he has owned his since new!!


2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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This is normal, its because of type approval, It would be costly & time consuming for TVR to type approve each variant, even SEACs were logged as 3.5L


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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My 400 had 3498 on the log book when I bought it. Some pointers in the VIN number maybe?


Original Poster:

14 posts

293 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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Thanks for all the replies so far.

Anyone wanna buy it - bye the way ??


1,763 posts

276 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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Dogster - I can't answer your question, but there's an off chance I might buy your car!

Could you email me any details through my profile?


264 posts

275 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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Just to be different, mine is down on the log book as being 3906. Having looked at the picture on the autotrader website, it looks just like mine, except with the addition of the SEAC spoiler. Is the colour Ash green?


26,506 posts

269 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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I thought that the DVLA should be notified of all changes especially engine capacity? So by my reckoning someones breaking the law, tut tut!


1,196 posts

274 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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jmorgan said: My 400 had 3498 on the log book when I bought it. Some pointers in the VIN number maybe?

Yep the same with my 400 too, only realised though when I contacted the DVLA to get previous owners before the capacity was changed on the log book.


125 posts

265 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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The log book on my 400 reads 3947 CC . By the way how do you find out the build no. of your car ?


Original Poster:

14 posts

293 months

Friday 7th March 2003
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Hi BoltonTVR - it's actually a metallic gun metal colour !


264 posts

275 months

Friday 7th March 2003
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Hmmm, it's probably time I cleaned all these fingerprints off my monitor.


689 posts

266 months

Friday 7th March 2003
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I have a 450se but my log boolk has 350 on it i was told this was because of type approval. But surely if you have an accident the insurance although i told them it is a 450 they might say its been modified.
any one shed more light.




583 posts

272 months

Friday 7th March 2003
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My 1990 350se has a 3.9l engine as fitted originally by tvr factory. This is not reflected in the log book. My insurance company have accepted this as an unmodified car - I enclosed a copy of the original advert for the 350se which I found in a 1990 tvrcc sprint magazine. The insurance documentation has the correct engine capacity.


14,949 posts

281 months

Friday 7th March 2003
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my log book says 3947cc.
make is listed as TVR, model listed as 2 axle rigid body sports.

its a 91 400se

the dodger

2,376 posts

274 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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I reckon they were all originally registered as 3500cc because of single vehicle type approval requirements. Those which have anything different on V5 have been sent to DVLA for revision.

As long as you tell the insurers the correct capacity you should be OK.


782 posts

274 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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This varies dramatically car to car (some 400 SE's had 3905 on the log book - others 3948 (AR v's NCK engine number)). The engine number should give it away as a genuine or otherwise 390 as the 350's had the standard Rover engine number 30A...., 35A...., etc but the 390's and 400's tended to have an AR (early cars) or NCK engine number. You can change the cc on the log book by filling in the relevant box and sending the document to the DVLA and thus reflect the true cc.


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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My 400 SE ( a very late 1991 / 2 registered model) has the engine size stated as 3947cc.

The build numbers are illustrated on the VIN. If I get time i will scan in the instructions on how to calculate it.

rus wood

1,233 posts

278 months

Sunday 16th March 2003
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When the cars were supplied new they were a 350 with 390 option pack. The factory did not even bother update the DVLC details on the capacity or engine number. In addition to the AR engine numbers (first 16 I think) there were JE numbers (mine is JE1060) and NCK numbers.