Good engine book
I ordered the Haynes Rover V8 book from amazon, and was incredibly distressed to find out it was a history book!
Is there a more normal haynes manual that will show me detailed stuf about the 350i engine?
I'm particualrly interested in the injection system. Not because I intend taking it apart, but because I've never worked on an injection engine before, and want to at least have some idea of what goes on in that big grey casting, and those tricky boxes of wires...
Is there a more normal haynes manual that will show me detailed stuf about the 350i engine?
I'm particualrly interested in the injection system. Not because I intend taking it apart, but because I've never worked on an injection engine before, and want to at least have some idea of what goes on in that big grey casting, and those tricky boxes of wires...
jmorgan said: As a general interest book on the Rover V8 I bought "Tuning Rover V8' by David Hardcastle ISBM 0-85429-933-5.
Not what you are after but worth a look.
'pebbledash' lent this to me recently - it's brilliant.
Note this comes as a pair of books.
One is history orientated and the other is out and out tuning. However they refer to each other a fair bit as the first book defined terms, etc.
You might find this site of some use, it has a few EFI wiring diagrams etc.
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