two red wedges on the same road

two red wedges on the same road



Original Poster:

26,504 posts

269 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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Red wedge with rear spoiler passed me in opposite direction on the A449 between Monmouth and newport at the Usk junction 5 oclock this afternoon. Anybody on this site? Nice to see someone else out in the rain!!


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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That would have been us. Coming back from an engine service in Nuneaton. Sorry didn't spot you,but here's a belated wave


nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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Hey Jeff. Are you going to PH5 ?


Original Poster:

26,504 posts

269 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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Cheers Jeff,
Next time your around take the Usk turn off and ask for Dicky 2 old Market Street (wedge parked outside) Kettle always on. If not home i'm in the White Hart!


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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Might take you up on that next time,jobs, places to be etc permitting. Have you been to the S Wales club meeting yet, few Wedges there as well.

Nick, sorry no. Working so unable to attend. Will look forward to the various pics posted.


33 posts

274 months

Tuesday 4th March 2003
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Hey guys

Nice to hear of some fellow owners in the area. I have a Champayne coloured 350i and live in Cinderford in the Forest of Dean. Are there any local events in the near future


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 5th March 2003
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Paulmarshall said: Hey guys

Nice to hear of some fellow owners in the area. I have a Champayne coloured 350i and live in Cinderford in the Forest of Dean. Are there any local events in the near future

I was passing through but arn't you near the Cotswolds region, or the Bristol region. Always things going on. S Wales regional meet would be about 3/4 hr from you?

nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Wednesday 5th March 2003
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jmorgan said: Might take you up on that next time,jobs, places to be etc permitting. Have you been to the S Wales club meeting yet, few Wedges there as well.

Nick, sorry no. Working so unable to attend. Will look forward to the various pics posted.

Thats a shame.... Can't you pull a sicky ? I'll take me new digi camera along and take plenty of pics !