Bonnet Sound Proofing - 390SE

Bonnet Sound Proofing - 390SE



Original Poster:

14 posts

291 months

Friday 28th September 2001
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The front corners of the sound proofing on the inside of the bonnet is curling in towards the engine bay, can anyone recommend a suitable adhesive that will stick it down permanently. Thanks.


36,010 posts

293 months

Friday 28th September 2001
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Mine has been removed (I assume it was doing the same as yours). Bonnet is lighter.


25 posts

291 months

Friday 28th September 2001
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Used a contact adhesive made by 3M got it from a paint supplier. I would not remove it as it not only sound proofing but will keep the heat off your bonnet as this can cause paitn problems.


Original Poster:

14 posts

291 months

Friday 28th September 2001
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Thanks, will give it a try !


36,010 posts

293 months

Friday 28th September 2001
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Used a contact adhesive made by 3M got it from a paint supplier. I would not remove it as it not only sound proofing but will keep the heat off your bonnet as this can cause paitn problems.
Removed before my time. Should I be looking for a new one then?