6'5" - will I fit in a wedge?

6'5" - will I fit in a wedge?



Original Poster:

5 posts

291 months

Thursday 27th September 2001
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Just beginning the Wedge buying process, and not even sat in one yet. A mate drives a 350 and used to be the club's membership sec a few years back, so I have some local knowledge, but I haven't seen him for yonks, and his car's on blocks. Would like a later car, with the curvier body. Do they have an adjustable pedal box? Thanks in advance, Zip


3,792 posts

288 months

Thursday 27th September 2001
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I'm 6'3" and and pretty comfortable in the car. Bear in mind that the column adjusts for reach and rake when you have a sit. And no the pedal box isn't adjustable, unless of course you fancy taking it out and slotting all the holes. I fitted an aftermarket steering wheel with less dish than standard and on the whole if the seats are in good nick the cabin's a pretty comfortable place to be. (discounting; noise, water leaks, and draughts, but hey it's a convertible) Otherwise great cars, you won't find anything else which makes you feel so alive / scared. Matt


2,869 posts

291 months

Friday 28th September 2001
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Well said that man! Mike www.tvrwedgepages.co.uk

Jasper Gilder

2,166 posts

282 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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Always remember that Peter Wheeler is about 6'5" and he wouldn't build a car he couldn't drive himself! (Would he?!!)


36,010 posts

293 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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Suppose if you are too tall, bin the lid and buy rain cap and gum guard (stops the flies in the teeth).
6'1" and feel ok in one. Handy bit the steering adjustment that I wish I had on my A reg 350, for my hieght I find the leg room just right with the seat right back.