I feel like a daffodil...

I feel like a daffodil...



Original Poster:

421 posts

274 months

Saturday 1st March 2003
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Well, I bit the bullet a month early and taxed the 350i! I didn't mean to, but the forecast said something about sun!
So, I took my baby out for it's first outing of the year. We explored the undulating back lanes of Bedfordshire. Heaven. No traffic about, and any that was around was despatched with that V8 roar...Mmmmm...
I wonder if it will be dry tomorrow too?


629 posts

278 months

Sunday 2nd March 2003
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Welcome back, it's great to be out and about in the sun isn't it. How can you leave it in the garage for so long? It must drive you round the bend.
Looks like it may be time to organise a wedge get together, any thoughts?



80 posts

272 months

Sunday 2nd March 2003
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I havent't used my 280 yet this year (Not through choice!!! )

My car tax, insurance and, most worringly, MOT are due next month. Looks like it could be off the road for some time to come then!?!

Still, its nice to hear someone is enjoying some proper motoring, Makes me wanna extend that credit card limit and get stuff sorted!


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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Don't worry, my silver scream machine is also parkus uppus for a few more weeks with no tax. Er, also 2 bald tyres. And a leaky PAS. Oh, and....
