woo hoo, chassis repaired!

woo hoo, chassis repaired!



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Thursday 27th February 2003
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Evening all
Not a question, just a random post to say hoorah, I've finished replacing the chassis outriggers. I now see why garages charge a lot to do the job!

There's even more holes and bits missing in the old one than I originally thought. Including one place I can put all my fingers in one side of the tube and out the other, eek!

Thanks to Ian Sayer and his article on The Wedge Pages :-)



26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 28th February 2003
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No problem Dave! The money's better in your pocket (and mine) than someone else's, and you know the job was done right.
My Tasmin had an old box spanner and a length of chrome dining-table leg bodged into the nearside sill tube...



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Friday 28th February 2003
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I might even get her an MOT soon!!! Just reverse lights and gearstick to sort now.........

Mined ewe, the interior is still slightly sub-optimal