Body Structure

Body Structure



Original Poster:

782 posts

274 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Does anyone know if the Drop head has some structure aorund the screen/A pillar (steel/wood?) AND does this vary from the FHC??


12,843 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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The drophead and fixed head were both designed at the beginning. Having owned both I'm not aware of any differences. Note that the rear of the door is different though.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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I thought the B pillar was different - may be wrong though



26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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If there's any kind of reinforcement in the DHC windscreen frame, then it must be made of chocolate judging by the amount of movement I can induce on mine!
The only difference I know of is that the DHCs (or at any rate later ones) had a cross-brace between the A-pillars (a length of steel tube behind the dash) and a similar one between the B-pillars (at the front edge of that shelf behind the seats).



118 posts

265 months

Saturday 1st March 2003
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Structure? Reinforcement?
Is this a TVR forum?


Original Poster:

782 posts

274 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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Thanks all, - not sure what the 1st Mar reply was all about but the rest make sense - Ta