Power loss

Power loss



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Just drove the car (350i) into work as usual, but this morning, there is a total loss of performance.

Actually, due to driving in traffic, the first thing I noticed was a massive reduction in noise. It sounds like a normal car.

The engin is running smoothe, and I have checked all the plug leads at both ends, but with my head under the bonnet, I noticed a new noise coming from around the injector/airpipe, as if it is having trouble breathing. Its a kind of wheazing sound.

The drop in performance is dramatic. I was having to drive hard to keep up with the traffic in central Manchester. Which I did for about a minute, before easing off and taking things slowly.

Also, I'm getting way more exhaust crackle than normal. Every gear change, even at low speed and low revs.

So, a couple of questions:

1. Do you reckon it's safe for me to drive home/to a garage?

2. What could it be?


>>> Edited by plewis66 on Wednesday 26th February 08:52

>>> Edited by plewis66 on Wednesday 26th February 08:52


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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More information...

With my head under the bonnet, when tweaking the throttle, I get the following noises that I have not previously encountered:


I don't like it. I preferred it how it was before:


The chuff seems to come from around the airflow meter, the vroom and the wheaze are kind of similtaneous, and come in after the chuff ends (about 1 second), and the rattle is a plasticky rattling sound that comes in as the revs drop

Any guidance before I get people who charge involved would be gratefully received.

>> Edited by plewis66 on Wednesday 26th February 09:27


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Just drove the car to Shane Fearns (very nice chap), and on the way there, it seemed to be loosening up a bit...by the time Shane took it for a spin, it was quite normal.

The rattle seems to be the PAS pump bearing.

I'm pleased, but puzzled, also.


1,323 posts

278 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Aaagh Intemittent faults!

Hate 'em!

:shakes fist furiously:


12,843 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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It sounds like you have more than one problem - typical of cars. One fault could be a split in the pipe leading from the air-flow meter to the plenum chamber. Try to avoid high revs at low speeds.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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I had a similar prob once, the multiplug to the ECU had come loose in the passenger footwell



12,843 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Good point Danny, sometimes the plug to the airflow meter comes loose as well.


26,504 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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or a sticky relay or loose connection to a relay base!


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Thursday 27th February 2003
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Thanks guys, a few things to wiggle about there.

It seems to be running fine ever since Shane had the grace not to call me daft, but I'm sure I wasn't dreaming...


3,800 posts

290 months

Thursday 27th February 2003
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Sounds a lot like an air leak after the flow meter, which would make the car run lean, check all your hoses etc after the meter. The best way to find elusive air leaks is by spraying lighter gas around each joint with the engine running, if the engine has a leak it'll pull the 'fuel' in and rev up.



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Thursday 27th February 2003
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350matt said:The best way to find elusive air leaks is by spraying lighter gas around each joint with the engine running, if the engine has a leak it'll pull the 'fuel' in and rev up.


Now that sounds scary!

Ren Dao

278 posts

266 months

Thursday 27th February 2003
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Might also want to check the fuel filter and state of air filter etc.


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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I knew I wasn't dreaming.

Coming up a back road this morning, I'm thinking 'Its it being weird again', so, second gear, foot down. The revs are climbing slowly from 2500 to 3000, 3200, the engine sounding wheazy and the exhaust note muffled.

Then, without moving the throttle, WHAM. Kick in the pants, revs flying past 4000, exhaust screaming like crazy.

Voltage, oil pressure, temp are all normal. After that, its suddenly like driving a TVR intraffic again...careful on the throttle, don't twitch that foot! Previously, I swear it was as engaging as driving my Yaris.


12,706 posts

291 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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Sounds to me like a problem I had about 6 years ago with my 350i. Occasionally big power loss and sounds like a normal car. Cause was a loose connector for one bank of cylinders. IIRC there was a multi-socket thingy (technical term) sitting under the bonnet close to the wing (next to the battery?). There were two multi-connectors, each with 4 wires, one feeding each bank (I think it was the fuel injectors or something similar). One connector worked loose and did not connect at some times, did at others. When found, simple cure was a tie-wrap round the whole thing to hold the connectors in place.

Good luck!


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Thursday 6th March 2003
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Thanks Kevin, that sounds like a really good lead (pun thoroughly intended). I'm going to check that one out at lunch time.


26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 7th March 2003
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Could be an intermittent connection to the throttle pot or even the ECU. Perhaps the water temp sensor is on its way out.



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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OK, bit of ignorance revealed: what's a throttle pot?


26,504 posts

269 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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Throttle pot = Potentiometer on the plenum chamber connected to the air intake butterfly valve. Tells the ECU what position the throttle is in. Needs to be set with multimeter to about 3 volts (or was it .3 volts) when closed.Do a search plenty of info in archive.


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Saturday 8th March 2003
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