Any Calendar Pictures ?

Any Calendar Pictures ?



Original Poster:

970 posts

270 months

Monday 24th February 2003
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Anyone got any calendar type pictures of their wedge ?

Here is a contribution for February…..

[URL] [/URL]

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

276 months

Monday 24th February 2003
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Now that is a top quality picture!

I've only found a few pictures of wedges, and have put them on my site. So if you find a decent supply of photos, can you let me know.



26,506 posts

269 months

Monday 24th February 2003
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If you would like to pollish mine as good as yours then ill post one for March


377 posts

271 months

Monday 24th February 2003
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Original Poster:

970 posts

270 months

Tuesday 25th February 2003
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It was freshly waxed and the first road I turned off onto was covered in s**t But what the hell it’s all about getting out and using them ain’t it.

Nice picture Nigel when was that taken ?


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 25th February 2003
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The 420 SEAC is on a downloadable calendar on


513 posts

295 months

Tuesday 25th February 2003
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shpub said: The 420 SEAC is on a downloadable calendar on

You mean they didn't bung the 520 on a calender ??

the dodger

2,376 posts

274 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Anyone got any calendar type pictures of their wedge ?

Here is a contribution for February…..

[URL] [/URL]

Dave, that is a superb pic. I suggest you send it to Kev North for inclusion in his 2004 calendar.


1,282 posts

295 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Here's a piccy of my old 400SE from an interesting angle...could be cropped as necessary...


1,323 posts

278 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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What a coincidence. I took a few pictures of mine yesterday.

I intend to take some better ones soon, since the background on these leaves a little to be desired.

The full size versions are about 16Mb so calendar size should be no problem.
Took them with the work's brand new Cannon EOS Digital, which is a nice peice of kit, (I'm a Graphic Designer by trade.)

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

276 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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bobfrance said: What a coincidence. I took a few pictures of mine yesterday.

I intend to take some better ones soon, since the background on these leaves a little to be desired.

The full size versions are about 16Mb so calendar size should be no problem.
Took them with the work's brand new Cannon EOS Digital, which is a nice peice of kit, (I'm a Graphic Designer by trade.)

Oooohh....nice pictures. I so miss having a decent depth of field on standard digicams. Top quality!

Able to send me some more for my unofficial TVR gallery?

>> Edited by luca brazzi on Wednesday 26th February 11:10


1,323 posts

278 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Sure, feel free to use those.
I presume you don't want the massive versions.

I'll post up some more (better) ones when I get chance to take them.


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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Patrick said:

shpub said: The 420 SEAC is on a downloadable calendar on

You mean they didn't bung the 520 on a calender ??

Planning to but a 4 x 4 reversed into the front at a petrol station and destroyed the front drivers corner and bumper. Currently back at the body shop....


1,323 posts

278 months

Wednesday 26th February 2003
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shpub said:Planning to but a 4 x 4 reversed into the front at a petrol station and destroyed the front drivers corner and bumper. Currently back at the body shop....



6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 27th February 2003
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I have a good one .. red white and blue.. 400SE, 420SEAC, 400SE taken at castle coombe 2 years ago ... if i get a chance, ill scan it in


2,869 posts

293 months

Saturday 1st March 2003
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I Have a huge bunch of royalty free wedge pics that I have taken on my travels and some really good ones that people have sent in to me.

I will be adding these under the 'Downloads' tab shortly.

Question: what would be the optimum screen size to make them: 800x600, 1024x768?? - comment would be appreciated prior to me doing the work.




36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 1st March 2003
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Where to start. 1
And a stack more on the HD. May not be the best shots in the world.
Mike, might I suggest the larger res from a thumb nail?


2,869 posts

293 months

Saturday 1st March 2003
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Jeff old boy,

I will have to make an appearance at the club meeting and give you some blank CD's.

Question is though, I use a mac with a 21inch monitor and run my desktop at 1152x870 pixels but what would the optimum size be for other bods with PC's. I could then re-size the pics so that they can be viewed correctly (whilst also trying to keep the file size down a bit!).



36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 1st March 2003
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There is another type of MAC?
Point taken.
Have to give you another ZIP. Still no burner yet. Seem to spending too much money on tyres