Speedbump creek

Speedbump creek



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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Or is that creak?

I have the following symptoms:

When going over speed bumps (at about 5mph) on these frosty mornings, I get a creak from the back end, somewhere round the rear diff/suspension area.

Once the car has warmed up a bit (by the time I get to the second set of speed bumps on my way to work), it does not happen any more.

Also, If I take the car out from my house in warmer weather (after the frost has lifted), I do not get the creaking.

Should I investigate? and if so, what?


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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Sounds to me like your exhaust is too quite :-)

paul dacosta

22 posts

274 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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old bushes!

and your exhaust is too quiet...


856 posts

293 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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Your bushes will have contracted in the cold weather (if they are rubber). Giving a bit of free play until they "warm up". Would not worry too much about it unless they are shagged.

As with any noise you do not like to hear on the car, turn up the radio so you cannot hear it or get a louder exhaust........PARDON??!!



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Friday 21st February 2003
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Louder exhaust. Heh

But seriously, thanks guys.