Top End Lubrication

Top End Lubrication



Original Poster:

92 posts

271 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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I've not had the rocker covers off Yet but I am a litte concered about the lack of oil present on looking down the filler cap, while the rocker shaft is wet,there's no pooling of oil, oil pressure is fine,the engine was stripped & re-cammed not long ago so the rockers may be tight & all is clean.
the top end sounds ok after a few seconds,
so have you guys in the know a view? is further investigation requiered, or am I just used to looking at oily over head cams?


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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Yeah, don't panic. Ideally you should be looking at shiny-ish alloy, with a translucent yellowish oil film. The alloy will lacquer with time, this usually comes off in a paraffin bath. If there's black carbon crud, fear the worst. By the sound of it yours is in good shape - mine has hardly any oil laid around and I know what the insides look like 'cos I rebuilt 'em!


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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"Top end sounds OK after a few seconds"

Mine never rattles on startup, although I have heard other V8 wedges that do.

What oil are you using? I am using Magnatec for Advanced Engines and fitted a new cam and follows about 20,000 miles ago.



166 posts

269 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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how meany miles do you do before you change the oil and filter


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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Every 3,000

boosted ls1

21,198 posts

271 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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If you rev the engine whilst looking in the filler cap hole you should get a dirty face but you may not know it's happening, he he. If not then I would be concerned.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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Nice little FAQ here on the condition

Mine also has a 3000 mile oil change.