Not much real gains in horsepower unless your engine is modified and therefore needs a different fuelling map. The ones around are nearly all mapped by Mark Adams. The maps are actually improved as the engine management was developed & updated and therefore updating to a newer map will improve cold start, economy, throttle response, and idle.
I have used Mark before and found on a standard engine(TVR Map) and Mark's Optimax Chip a vast improvement in all the above was discovered. A chip upgrade is a must for a modified engine.
If you need to discuss further - email me pevans@silicon-concepts.co.uk
Just a bit curious of what seems a dark art to me. I have a modded chip and engine. The warranty for the time being prevents me playing.
Hear a lot of "its got a custom chip" (though not so much on PH) so you ask whats so custom about it and you get a blank look. So just fishing for info and whats available and what it does.
If an engine's been 'chipped' it usually means somebody has got into the engine control unit and either replaced the main operating 'chip' (hence the name) or re-programmed the unit. the 'chippers?' usually tend to advance the standard spark advance as most manufacturers are quite conservative in this area and often richen up the fuel mix on and around full throttle. As I understand it the wedges were never mapped too well to start with and the Lucas flap and hotwire systems are quite forgiving so only rudimentary changes were made to the TVR map and then left. Mark's work from what I've read is to refine the original mapping work based on his findings over the years.
However if you want the most out of the engine you're better off junking the entire system and fitting a modern mappable ECU that will give you full control over the spark as well as the fuel, as the original has only a crude mechanisim (vacuum advance) to sort out the spark under full throttle.
I have a hot wire system (still not sure what that means). DJE fitted a chip that takes it to 2000rpm for a few seconds to get the oil around then settles down to normal. It also knows when you want economy (in a TVR?) and when you want a blast. The cam has been changed so I assume that comes into the equation some how. I will have to ask DJE next service to explain what has been done in total. Also it may limit at 5500 (not got it there yet, still not used to it)
Thanks again, things are becomming more clear.
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