Place your bets....
Nice dry roads! No rain! Whats going on? £5 says it rains at the weekend.
Hmmm bloody cold though .. just walked the dog .. minus 2 here in Andover. £10 bet there's ice be careful out there
I was out and about on monday morning .. 80mph, change up into 4th... wheelspin and large sideways motion good job the road was clear
>> Edited by jvaughan on Wednesday 19th February 23:18
I've got to confess I chickened out of picking my SEAC up from Peninsula at 6pm last night for the hour plus drive back home.
Dark, near freezing temperatures and a forcast of rain during the evening.
Plus Peninsula suggested I bring a change of underwear as the new cam has really livened things up.
I'd normally call that good news
Dark, near freezing temperatures and a forcast of rain during the evening.
Plus Peninsula suggested I bring a change of underwear as the new cam has really livened things up.
I'd normally call that good news

Nacnud said: I've got to confess I chickened out of picking my SEAC up from Peninsula at 6pm last night for the hour plus drive back home.
Dark, near freezing temperatures and a forcast of rain during the evening.
Plus Peninsula suggested I bring a change of underwear as the new cam has really livened things up.
I'd normally call that good news
Ahh that was your 450SEAC then ... Looks nice. I was admiring your twin side exit exhausts.
what CAM do you have ? is it the same as I have ?
jvaughan said: Ahh that was your 450SEAC then ... Looks nice. I was admiring your twin side exit exhausts.
what CAM do you have ? is it the same as I have ?

Cam was a really knackered H234, it's now a shiny new 404. Feedback from Richard and Colin is that it is F'in Quick! I pick it up Saturday...
Check out this thread for previous posts....
Good story there dunc on the brissel site, if the car was running with blunted performance at Duxford last year i hate to think what'll it do now
I'm getting a bit of deju vue on the cam front here, very much like you were, I think I'm up for some 'additional' expense and am putting it off to later in the year.
Mine whilst no where near the SEAC league has certainly got blunted performance at the moment and it is almost certainly the cam, tappety and lower compression
Interestingly I've been researching cams because of this and I think the only application I could find for the 234 was in the mythical 4.5BV griff, was this a standard fit to the SEACs as well
Where on a scale of TVR (kent) cams 51/218/214/234/435 does this 404 fit
, purely in the interest of research at the moment

I'm getting a bit of deju vue on the cam front here, very much like you were, I think I'm up for some 'additional' expense and am putting it off to later in the year.
Mine whilst no where near the SEAC league has certainly got blunted performance at the moment and it is almost certainly the cam, tappety and lower compression

Interestingly I've been researching cams because of this and I think the only application I could find for the 234 was in the mythical 4.5BV griff, was this a standard fit to the SEACs as well

Where on a scale of TVR (kent) cams 51/218/214/234/435 does this 404 fit

NOt sure. Richard Smith does push some funny CAMs. I have a US imported CAM .. not sure of its profiling or else, all i know is that delivers full power in bucketfulls above 4000 rpm, and below that it is a pussy cat. The CAm itself is a reral screamer, giving me power all the way upto the 6500 rev limit
I don't know what was the 'standard' SEAC cam. Sprint SEAC special edition in 1994 implies the customer could have whatever cam they wanted. Brm Brm says his cam is an H234 but Tim Lamont used that SEAC as a performance testbed, so it could have been changed.
Embarrasingly, I don't know who makes the 404. Tim Lamont posted on the other thread and seems to know of the 404. Tim ?
Apparently, Richard has fitted a few 404s recently, including a blisteringly fast Griff which was being picked up while I was there (the one with the melted cats). It only comes as a complete kit including Group A strengthened pushrods, so it's a little pricey; but Richard's opinion is that it is worth it.
Given how well Richard previously tuned my SEAC (See Mark Adams rolling road report also on the Bristol site) I was inclined to take his reccomendation on this without comment. What I omitted from the story was that I came away from Mark Adams rolling road session with 2bhp LESS than I arrived!!!!!! That has to be some kind of achievement doesn't it?
Embarrasingly, I don't know who makes the 404. Tim Lamont posted on the other thread and seems to know of the 404. Tim ?
Apparently, Richard has fitted a few 404s recently, including a blisteringly fast Griff which was being picked up while I was there (the one with the melted cats). It only comes as a complete kit including Group A strengthened pushrods, so it's a little pricey; but Richard's opinion is that it is worth it.
Given how well Richard previously tuned my SEAC (See Mark Adams rolling road report also on the Bristol site) I was inclined to take his reccomendation on this without comment. What I omitted from the story was that I came away from Mark Adams rolling road session with 2bhp LESS than I arrived!!!!!! That has to be some kind of achievement doesn't it?
Hey - NACNUD, nice picture in the rain but
surely you car colour has changed from blue to
grey and you have lost 300 cc's !!
I've also just fitted tailored seat covers that
look very nice (for seat covers) - so I can get the
roof off in any weather !!
My car will be at Peninsular on Saturday - I plan to
be there betyween 11 and 12:30... so I will be
blasting right past your door step (m4 then m5).
surely you car colour has changed from blue to
grey and you have lost 300 cc's !!
I've also just fitted tailored seat covers that
look very nice (for seat covers) - so I can get the
roof off in any weather !!
My car will be at Peninsular on Saturday - I plan to
be there betyween 11 and 12:30... so I will be
blasting right past your door step (m4 then m5).
Rev - missed you.... What were you having done ?
My new cam is great - loads more torque and a really meaty mid-range which kind of plateaus power-wise all the way up to the red line. The last bit is the only mystery; something is strangling it at the moment. Peninsula hypothesis is my injectors; I have a Jag airflow meter, but not Jag injectors and they think the injectors can't put enough fuel into the engine at high revs.
I stepped the back end out approaching a corner; that's never happened before - previously not enough engine braking.
I keep leaving pairs of black crescents at junctions, even when I'm not trying for a fast getaway. I've a feeling that unless I learn quickly, that this could get expensive in tyres.
Most surprising difference is the exhaust note is VERY much louder! I used to have an annoying squeak where the rollbar goes through the rear bulkhead, but now I can't jear it! The Griffs I was in convoy with yesterday commented that it sounds more meaty.
Only disapointment is that the overrun crackle is not as good as it was. The cynics here say that is because the fuel is now being burnt in the engine and not the exhaust......
My new cam is great - loads more torque and a really meaty mid-range which kind of plateaus power-wise all the way up to the red line. The last bit is the only mystery; something is strangling it at the moment. Peninsula hypothesis is my injectors; I have a Jag airflow meter, but not Jag injectors and they think the injectors can't put enough fuel into the engine at high revs.
I stepped the back end out approaching a corner; that's never happened before - previously not enough engine braking.
I keep leaving pairs of black crescents at junctions, even when I'm not trying for a fast getaway. I've a feeling that unless I learn quickly, that this could get expensive in tyres.
Most surprising difference is the exhaust note is VERY much louder! I used to have an annoying squeak where the rollbar goes through the rear bulkhead, but now I can't jear it! The Griffs I was in convoy with yesterday commented that it sounds more meaty.
Only disapointment is that the overrun crackle is not as good as it was. The cynics here say that is because the fuel is now being burnt in the engine and not the exhaust......
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