Wedge Concerns?

Wedge Concerns?


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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In November, I decided to remove the radiator from my 450 SE for it had a small leak. Since the car wasn't going to be on the road in bad winter weather, I thought it would be a perfect time to complete this project. So, out came the radiator, and was sent to RT Racing (or so I thought). The US postal services lost the radiator, and after 7 weeks it was finally delivered to RT; Richard did a quick turnaround, and after sourcing a few wedge bits, I am now ready to install. Since the car has been sitting on jacks and not started since November, is there anything that I should be concerned about before I hit the key?




12,706 posts

291 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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Prime the oil pump for sure, I would also stick a bit more petrol/gas in to 'mix' with what is already in there.


13 posts

265 months

Sunday 2nd March 2003
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Is your 450 in the USA?


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Monday 3rd March 2003
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No, the 450 is in Germany now, but I will be importing the car to Canada when it's 16 years old. At that point, Jan 2006, it will be old enough to import unmodified into Canada. Then on to the US at some point thereafter.
