V8 oil changes

V8 oil changes



Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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I have just read the bible and am interested in the oil change dilemma. The book states that there is a real risk of the oil pump needing to be primed (sump off!) if you don't change the oil filter fast enough.

Just a thought but would it be better to change the oil filter first, then drop the oil and immediately refill?

Anyone any tips?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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The safest option is to re prime the pump via the distributor drive using an electric drill. That way the engine is all nicely oiled before you start it. Tool is about £15 from RPI, or you could make one very easilly.


3,800 posts

290 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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Alternativly you can remove the pre-filter remote hose and fill /prime the oil pump with an oil can, done this several times and it works a treat.



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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How long does it take (to drain the pump etc), asuming it varies to the state of the engine.
When mine gets serviced he drops the oil, quick look in the oil catch bin for nasty suprises and has a filled filter ready to go on. 5 or so mins at the most, maybe 10?
The last Wedge I had (unaware of this draining bit) left it for 30 mins whilst I had a PG tips brewsky, was I lucky?


30,639 posts

295 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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jmorgan said:
The last Wedge I had (unaware of this draining bit) left it for 30 mins whilst I had a PG tips brewsky, was I lucky?

Dunno, was the engine OK afterwards? If so I'd say yes you were lucky!


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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greenv8s said:

jmorgan said:
The last Wedge I had (unaware of this draining bit) left it for 30 mins whilst I had a PG tips brewsky, was I lucky?

Dunno, was the engine OK afterwards? If so I'd say yes you were lucky!

I must admit I always watched the gauge to make sure pressure came up quick and it did, lucky me then :Phew:


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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jmorgan said: How long does it take (to drain the pump etc), asuming it varies to the state of the engine.
When mine gets serviced he drops the oil, quick look in the oil catch bin for nasty suprises and has a filled filter ready to go on. 5 or so mins at the most, maybe 10?
The last Wedge I had (unaware of this draining bit) left it for 30 mins whilst I had a PG tips brewsky, was I lucky?

It depends... Do things quickly and there is not a problem. Dawdle and the greater the risk. How long is a difficult thing to guage. leaving it for 30 minutes is pushing your luck. The pre-serp engines are worse for this problem than the serp engines but at least the preserp oil pump is accessible. The serp one requires the front timing cover to be removed!



260 posts

267 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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12,706 posts

291 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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plewis66 said: Serp?

Serpentine, so called because the ancillaries are all run off a single huge belt that twists its way around everything.


118 posts

265 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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I always dropped and refilled the oil first, then changed the filter and started the engine straight away. Never had any problems with system draining back.


233 posts

274 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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Did it on Sunday for (my) first time and I had the same concerns - I did it all quickly and had no problems. Oil pressure was good - went for a blast in the winter sun..... wicked