Central Locking

Central Locking



Original Poster:

689 posts

266 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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Hi Guys
anyone help i have a 450 the central locking does not work.I was not sure if it had cent/loc so removed door panel & found there are solenoids/wiring etc.
1. if in the past the car has had remote/cent/loc where would i find the control box.
2. if it only had Cent/Loc where would i find the box & what would it look like.
3.Would there poss be no control IE.open the drivers door with key then you hear the pass sol open the pass door lock. Im confused.

awaiting in anticipacion.




8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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Central locking was/wasn't a factory fit option and may/may have not been retrofitted by the dealer and will usually depend on the alrm fitted which again wasn't standard.

In otherwords varies from car to car. And you may not even have it.



Original Poster:

689 posts

266 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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Thanks Steve
so even though there are solenoids wiring etc chances are it has not got central locking.


118 posts

265 months

Wednesday 19th February 2003
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Chances are that it did have centeral locking and it went wrong. The common fault is that it locks/unlocks for several seconds, even using the key in the door to open it!
The fuse is usually to be found dangling on it's own somewhere near the relay panel under the glove box.
If you can find an empty fuse holder here you could try a blue fuse and hope for the best.