Windscreen rubber

Windscreen rubber



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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I've just found that a length of the strip of rubbger around the windscreen (about a foot) lifts clean away, and allows me to see right in, and actually see the edge of the screen itself.
What should I do about this?
Specifically, what adhesive should I use to refix the rubber, and is there anything I should do before fixing it? There does not appear to have been any ingress of water as yet...there is certainly no milkiness in the glass, so I think I've caught it fairly early and I want to tackle it immediately before it becomes more of a problem.


1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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Are you sure it's actually a "rubber" that surrounds your windscreen?
In my experience it has been some kind of black coloured sealant such as silicone (the sort you use in bathrooms etc.) that has been squoze into the gap and left to set.


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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The word is that you shouldn't fill that gap around the screen with silicon etc., because it can trap water and actually helps the screen delaminate!
I 'gunked up' my Tasmin a few years back: it looked better I thought. But I did in fact notice the milkiness spread a bit and before I had the car resprayed spent a good couple of hours digging all the silicon out again.
My 390, however, does have a rubber trim glued around the screen but I don't know who fitted it.



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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Yes, its certainly a rubber trim, not some sort of sealant.
I could just glue it down and hope for the best, but really I want to do a proper job. If this means having the windscreen refitted, then so be it, but hopefully not...


12,842 posts

269 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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It's rubber and mainly for appearance to make the car look neat although it also protects you from the sharp edge of the windscreen. Stick it back with any strong glue like Aroldite. Cars with only gunge have been bodged up.


1,196 posts

274 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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Looks like mine has been "bodged" then!
Got to be honest I have never noticed a rubber surround on another Wedge before, does anyone have a profile of the rubber strip so I could get some matched up at all?


12,842 posts

269 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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It's a T section with a slightly domed top but if your car looks fine and the edge of the glass is covered then it may not be worth changing it. The windscreen is enclosed by four pieces mitred together.


1,196 posts

274 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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19560 said: It's a T section with a slightly domed top but if your car looks fine and the edge of the glass is covered then it may not be worth changing it. The windscreen is enclosed by four pieces mitred together.

Thanks 19560, is the windsreen bonded to the frame then and this rubber or sealer is just to fill the gap or does it play a part in securing it at all? I think mine is ok but I guess a rubber trim would finish it off nicer.


2,869 posts

293 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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I got a rubber strip around my screen as well. It does make the screen frame look a little more 'finished' in my humble opinion, although I had to stick it down as it was starting to come loose.

I think I used some black sealer I bought from my local auto factors.

I guess they must have had some spare time to kill in the factory one day.....



12,842 posts

269 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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Yes, the windscreen is bonded to the frame with the rubber being mainly cosmetic however it does prevent you from cutting yourself when washing your car (you can guess how I know this.)