How many.................

How many.................



Original Poster:

26,503 posts

269 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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Just wondering how many other wedges get driven every day?
Used mine since bought 6 years ago. Cant afford a second car but if i could it would be another wedge!

>>> Edited by dickymint on Sunday 16th February 21:29

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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I ran a 280 FHC for 2 years and 20,000 miles as my only car a few years back


260 posts

267 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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I bought mine two weeks ago to run as my first car. The wife now has my Yaris which we intend to use for shopping etc., but everything else will be in the TiV.
Nice to hear that you've been able to put up with it for six years. Gives me hope that I'm not completely mad.


1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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I've been using Wedges all year round for 7 or 8 years now - though I must admit there's been more than a few occasions when I've needed backup transport.

Good fun though, but I'm begining to wonder if I'm getting a bit too old and soft for braving another winter.

Although I probably just need to spend a while driving somthing boring to cure me


629 posts

278 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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I've been using my Tasmin 350i every day since September '01. It's certainly not the easiest car to live with, but summer blasts back from work make up for a hell of a lot of winter sh1t. Well worth it in my book.



6,025 posts

294 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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I ran my 400SE for 2 years and 18000 miles 5 years ago. it was great... a pain in the arse to keep clean, she never let me down, and it was always a pleasure to get in and drive. however I did manage to neglectit a bit turning what was a Concorse winner in A1 condition into one that resembled a tractor interior, but it still went like hot snot !