Brooklands dream rides...

Brooklands dream rides...



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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Went to brooklands this weekend for the dream rides. Good collection of cars to choose from. Anyone else go from PH, apart from an imaculate tuscan i think i was the only TVR there. Also came away with a twin fan set-up to replace my old single one, which ive just fitted. Luvly-chubly!!!


16 posts

265 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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Iwas at Brooklands Sunday in my 400SE with my mate in his Chim. Excellent day had by all, recomended.


16 posts

265 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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Iwas there, 400SE with my mate in a Chimaera.