Temperature gauge

Temperature gauge



Original Poster:

103 posts

273 months

Saturday 15th February 2003
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My temperature guage seems to have given up working.Anyone know how to test the gauge or the sender.Water is flowing nicely through the radiator so I guess it's not the thermostat.If it is the gauge how do you get the old one out?


989 posts

273 months

Saturday 15th February 2003
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You'll almost probably have one wire going to the sender. Pull it off and see if the gauge does anything then touch it to earth and see if anything happens? If it moves between extremities then prob dodgy sender (or earth on it) If no reaction then dodgy wire to gauge or dodgy gauge.

How you remove it depends on how lucky you are :-) You may be able to unclip the dash in a cunning manner from front so I'm told!

In my case, off with the dash, two bolts at either side, right up behind in corner. Dash comes forwards and falls off :-) Should now be fairly obvious which bits need to be removed, wood fascia, then gauge..........