anti roll bar 350i s2

anti roll bar 350i s2



Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Thursday 13th February 2003
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Does anyone know if the anti roll bar link (ie the bit that goes from the front lower wish bone to attach to the anti roll bar) is a ford bit? and if so what it is off.
Many thanks,

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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I think it's a TVR special, although similar to a mk4/5 cortina.


80 posts

278 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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Hmmm.. Question: Do anyone has any good suggestions regarding replacing the anti rollbar "downlink" with a rosejointed dito ? And maybee replace the anti rollbar mounting bushes from poly to nylon. Any suggestions ? Or will it stress the componets to hard ?


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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tvr350i said: Hmmm.. Question: Do anyone has any good suggestions regarding replacing the anti rollbar "downlink" with a rosejointed dito ? And maybee replace the anti rollbar mounting bushes from poly to nylon. Any suggestions ? Or will it stress the componets to hard ?

The parts are TVR specials. As for rosejointing, currently have the bits and machining some adapters but it is not cheap - around £200 so far. TVR no longer have the SEAC kit so I am in the process of making a kit.

For normal road and track use probably better things to spend the money on.


Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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Thanks Everyone,
Any Ideas where I can buy one from as I have damaged the threads on one of mine.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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How bad is the damage?


Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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I got confused with anti clockwise whilst undoing the one on the drivers side and have stripped the threads. (DOH!!!) Havn't got it off yet might need to saw it off.
Can you still buy these anywhere? I Will try David Geralds tomorrow.
Any one know if anyone is breaking a wedge?
Any ideas greatly appreciated.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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Can you get a nut splitter on it and is there enough thread to allow you to pack the stripped bit with a washer or 2 and put a new nut on? Though looking at the bible it might be a non starter. Could re thread it but I don't know if it will weaken it.
Also try Wedge.


989 posts

273 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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With a bit of luck you'll have just stripped the threads on the inside of the nut, not the rod/link. Cut the nut of carefully or as suggested try a nut splitter. Used one on lots of my nuts as they stripped their thread even when unscrewing the correct way :-)

Here's hoping...............


26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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Isn't it just a piece of thick-walled tube welded to a 12mm or so rod? Should be easy enough to fab one up...



Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Saturday 15th February 2003
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Thanks all,
I've got it off and its trashed.
Like wedg1e says its not going to be too much trouble to get one made if I cant find one.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Saturday 15th February 2003
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I am sure someone else was trying to source one a while ago either here or on the mailing list. Check the archives as I seem to remember them finding a supplier for new ones.


Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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Cheers Danny,
Couldn't find anything on PH but I didn't get a chance to phone around yesterday, I'm sure somewhere will have one. DG's website claims to remanufacture suspension components for older cars. I'll put a post on here of how I get on for reference.


80 posts

278 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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SHPUB:"The parts are TVR specials. As for rosejointing, currently have the bits and machining some adapters but it is not cheap - around £200 so far. TVR no longer have the SEAC kit so I am in the process of making a kit.

For normal road and track use probably better things to spend the money on. "

Hmm.. Like the REAR anti roll bar ? Will there be a kit avaliable Steve ?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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I thought TVR resolved the lack of rear anti-roll bar with very hard rear springs........


80 posts

278 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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I think a little softer springs, NOT progressiv, pretty good rebound on dampers, and a rear anti roll bar might be a good solution. Can´t really see why the wedge would be the only car in history not to use a rear anti roll bar. My chassie is set up for sligtht understeer now and it would be nice to test a rear anti roll bar to be able to tune the balance. Also behavior in other situations might improve.


6,034 posts

269 months

Sunday 16th February 2003
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im saying nowt Gareth:. if you carnt sort it you know where i am


Original Poster:

805 posts

277 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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Cheers Steve,
I should be able to find one somewhere but its nice to have a saftey net for my stupidity!!