I've tried on my 400se -
Toyo Proxes T1 : Great, but short lived
Fulda Carat Extremo : Very good. Good life as well. Lack the ultimate grip of the Toyos, but actually slightly more progressive on the limit.
(currently) Goodyear Eagle F1 : Very good. But they need scrubbing in. (they can be a bit scary when new)
Good wet grip and long life. Look funky too!
Andy 400se
Toyo Proxes T1 : Great, but short lived
Fulda Carat Extremo : Very good. Good life as well. Lack the ultimate grip of the Toyos, but actually slightly more progressive on the limit.
(currently) Goodyear Eagle F1 : Very good. But they need scrubbing in. (they can be a bit scary when new)
Good wet grip and long life. Look funky too!
Andy 400se
Use Toyo Proxes on my 450. Offer very good grip for not alot of dosh. Not too sure about life expectancy (tyres that is, not me !!) As I have only done about 4K on them. Recently bought 2 new fronts from Kwik fit £180.00 all in, not too bad I thought!!
You could also check out the Black circles web site for quote on tyre prices etc.
>> Edited by broadside on Thursday 13th February 22:15

You could also check out the Black circles web site for quote on tyre prices etc.
>> Edited by broadside on Thursday 13th February 22:15
Hmmm. Just ordered some new SO3's but when they go on the rear, rear get's swapped to the front etc to prolong use. Looks like I might need to look at alternative's like Jason has. What's the problem mixing makes for a while, or a permanant basis?
Problem is I find the SO3's superb dry and wet but a bit pricy.
Problem is I find the SO3's superb dry and wet but a bit pricy.
As long as you mix the same tyres on the same axle, and take it "easy" seeing what the tyres feel like until you know what characteristics the tyres have, then no problem. Its when you see people having four different tyres on each corner when you should get worried. My 450 had bridgestones on the front until I replaced them with the Toyos. The car definately grips better on my favorite roads. The rears will spin up easily in the wet, but that will happen with any wedge. In the dry the Toyos grip very well, on the road there is no way I can get to push them too hard. At Elvington last year I did spin it coming out of the hairpin bend doing about 75-80, the grip was phenominal, but when they did let go, they went big time, no progressive slide. Anyway, no damage, big smiles, change of underwear.

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