400sx at rt racing

400sx at rt racing



Original Poster:

11,352 posts

275 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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Cant belive that RT Racing hasnt had anyone to look at the rare 400sx at their place
If I were looking for a big wedge then this would have to be on the shopping list, at least a test drive.


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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Its in the PH classified.
Andymadmak pointed it out earlier, in a roudabout way. here


14,949 posts

281 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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jmorgan said: Its in the PH classified.
Andymadmak pointed it out earlier, in a roudabout way. here

I've also e mailed RT about it, but he hasn't replied!

Andy 400se


25,145 posts

295 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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This was discussed in some depth here


782 posts

274 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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The sportscar centre had the car for sale last year for £11,750 as I remember and I saw it in autotrader not long ago for £11,500, thus £14,000. I also understand it was the SX show car and the only one in a 400 body as all the rest where 350SX's. The engine I understand to be a s/c 3.5. May be wrong. A 450SE/SEAC would be more desireable.


156 posts

267 months

Friday 14th February 2003
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This is a different car it has been owned since it was 8 months old by the same owner and has never been up for sale before. The car you are thinking of is the old demo car that was in fact a 350SX built with a 400 shell.