Window alignment

Window alignment



Original Poster:

970 posts

270 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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My passenger window hits the roof when I shut the door. Not by much but enough! I need to drop the rear of the window about 5mm max. Can you do this with out buggering about with the door alignment? The door aligns perfectly so I don’t want to touch it.
The bible seems to suggest this is possible but it is not clear how I don’t want to strip the door down to find out if I don’t have too.

Has anyone done this ? and if so how do you do it ?

Ta very much.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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There is an adjutable cable (looks like it's from a push bike!) which limits the upward movement. Remove the door trim and you will see it through the hole at the bottom outer edge of the door. It's a 10 minute job.


92 posts

271 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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There's a good artical on the door/window under the maintenance section above.



12,842 posts

269 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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Danny's right; the cable stretches over time and so the window moves further up.


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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I need to drop the rear of the window about 5mm max.
Ta very much.

Sounds like the alignment not travel?
I had loose securing winder screws causing this once.
What about the frame?


Original Poster:

970 posts

270 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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Thanks Guys. I'll take the door panel off tonight and have a go.


1,844 posts

278 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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My passenger window also did this. i managed to improve it by letting the window guides loosse and adjusting the line. It's better but still not perfect. I found it had to be a compromise between too high at the rear & too low at the front.

Good luck,


3,800 posts

290 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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You can also adjust the angle of the glass buy loosening the two bolts on the door underside and then wiggling the support about,
