Got one!



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Monday 10th February 2003
quotequote all
It's 350i! Lovely condition. Thanks Rob Ingleby for putting me onto it!
Drove it from Wiltshire to High Wycombe after picking it up, in some darn awful weather, and it was sweet as a nut. Low speed, low revs on wet roads.
Then over the next couple of days in Wycombe I slightly upped the idle speed to stop it hunting when cold and cutting out when warm. Seems to have worked a treat.
However, driving back to Manchester, I experienced the following behaviour:
The engine runs at 90 degrees at about 2700rpm at 70mph. If I have a quick burst a little beyond this, the temperature rises to midway between the 90 and the start of the red section. It takes about half an hour cruising at 70 to restore 90deg.
If I have a burst of wild acceleration from 40 to 80, without exceeding 4,500 rpm, the temp gets worryingly close to the red section, less than a needles width away. Again, cruise at 70 for 30 mins and it creeps back down.
I haven't had chance to look at the car yet since getting back, but I'm going to work thru the points that Steve Heath recommends, starting with an inspection of the radiator and vents.
However, I'm a learning amateur car person, so if anyone has pointers for the first things I should check (yes, the coolant and oil are topped up!), I'd be very gratefull.
Could my adjusting the idle cause this? I upped it from about 800 (once it settled) to 1000.


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 10th February 2003
quotequote all
Someone in our club had that temp thingy, turned out to be a clogged rad. Flushed and it was OK.
Just a thought. Oh and install a fan overide switch.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Monday 10th February 23:16


12,842 posts

269 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
quotequote all
It does sound like a blocked radiator - 50,000 miles is the average life. If you can get to Steve Reid's meeting tomorrow I'll have a look. ( Ask for Jonathan. ) You shouldn't need a fan over-ride switch.
90-93 is fine but revving especially at speed should not cause any problem except in summer on track days.


354 posts

268 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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I had a similar problem with mine. I changed the filler cap as the old one was the wrong sort and knackered. Been perfect since. I left my engine at idle and watched. Eventually water came out of the cap. Could be worth a few quid?


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
quotequote all
Should have made meself clear about the override switch. If its a rad out job to fix then its a few wires, connectors and a switch for future protection should the otter switch go etc. Just a thought.


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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19560 said: If you can get to Steve Reid's meeting tomorrow I'll have a look. ( Ask for Jonathan. )

Thanks, Jonatan, I am hopinig to make it there tonight, so if you can have a quick scout, that would be excellent.


1,323 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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Another Manchester Wedge. Well done mate!

We'll have to meet up in the summer.
I'm in Rochdale BTW.


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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I'm in Middleton! Should be easy to meet!


1,323 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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Great stuff.
There's also chap in Oldham with a 350i too.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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I had my rad rebuilt with an additional core (3 cores). Fans hardly every cut in now. Might be worth thinking about - £150 for peace of mind


92 posts

271 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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Have you checked the cooling system for air-locks,its often the simple stuff that cause the problems, is the heater blowing hot, if not the thermosat may be duff.

Dave (the chap from Oldham)


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Thursday 13th February 2003
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Thanks to 19560 (Jonathan) who had a good look round my engine bay with the tiniest torch I ever saw on darn chilly night at the north west car club meeting on Tuesday.
In my original post, I had said that the levels were topped up...well at the start of my journey, they were as high as as I thought would be ok (.25 inch off high mark on the oil, and about an inch below the cap on the expansion tank).
Having now added a pint of oil, and a pint and a half of coolant, the problem seems to have gone away.


12,842 posts

269 months

Thursday 13th February 2003
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Excellent news, now grab the track day diary.


1,323 posts

278 months

Friday 14th February 2003
quotequote all

D DOC said: Have you checked the cooling system for air-locks,its often the simple stuff that cause the problems, is the heater blowing hot, if not the thermosat may be duff.

Dave (the chap from Oldham)

Hi dave!