


Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Sunday 9th February 2003
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My s2 350i has a problem. Fast down changes to second and occasionally fast up changes cause a 'crunch' looks like synchro on second may be on its way out? I am going to change the gearbox oil/atf next week. I have see 'redline' oil mentioned for use instead of atf. Infor welcome...


2,190 posts

280 months

Sunday 9th February 2003
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You are not alone.
Mine does that as well.

I double de-clutch when I want to make sure a gear change will actually slot in cleanly.

Presume you know the trick to avoid a crunch going into reverse, select first briefly and then reverse.


70 posts

269 months

Sunday 9th February 2003
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Had a similar problem, a sort of clatter,rattle,crunch, noise when only changing down to second and could feel it vibrating through the gear stick. Investigated further by removing the trim and gear-stick gaiter, driving and looked in as i changed down to 2nd and found that the bottom of the remote housing(gear selector housing) was (when pushed down from the change in to 2nd) rubbing on the prop-shaft as it was spinning making these noises!! This was caused by loose mountings and easily fixed. Sounds like a long shot, but i was prepared for a g-box rebuild until i tried this out of curiosity. Good luck.


3,800 posts

290 months

Monday 10th February 2003
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I'd recommend using semi-synthetic 75W-90 gear oil, as it gives much better protection than ATF.



Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Monday 10th February 2003
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How long have you been using it?