US 280i cooling

US 280i cooling


jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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I have a US 280i series one and a half.
At present it has a viscous fan and an electric pusher that is wired to operate with the AC. The AC is needed during the summer!
The clutch of the fan was tested by one of my friends who "held" it with a pair of leather gloves while I started the car when hot. (not sure I would do the same for him) He said it was only fair, and should go.
I have a few options;
1. a puller fan 14inch 1100cfm, 12 anmps on a thermostat and remove the viscous fan, leave pusher fan to op with AC
2. Put a new viscous fan and leave AC fan to operate with AC
3. Replace viscous fan with fixed fan and rewire existing pusher fan to a thermostat.
I may wire in an overide switch if needed.
I am tending to option no 1 as this leaves the existing wiring original, suggestions welcome.


80 posts

272 months

Saturday 8th February 2003
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I have a UK 280 and, although I don't have AC, I replaced the viscous fan with an electric thermostat type (option 1). I wouldn't advise option 3, as I tried this when my viscous fan broke and, apart from the nasty noise you tend to get at high revs, it adversely affected performance, since the engine is then using some energy to drive the 'direct' fan as well!

Get a fan with an adjustable thermostat (most have these), then you can tweak when it cuts in to suit your local climate.


jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Sunday 9th February 2003
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Do you remember what size fan you installed, it's rating or model number.
Was it a puller, engine side of rad?

Essex eh, I used to stop at that burger stall on the 127 by the half way house usually around three in the morning. That was some years ago I expect it's gone now.


the dodger

2,376 posts

274 months

Sunday 9th February 2003
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Jeff, definitely go for option 1. The viscous fan has to go! Try David Beer at for wiring alternatives - he's very useful in this department.

Yes, I think the burger van is still there!


80 posts

272 months

Monday 10th February 2003
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Its a 13 inch pusher type, i.e. in front of the rad pushing air back to the engine. Its a 24Amp motor. I bought it from Kenlowe. They do puller fans as well I believe.

Hope this helps,


jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Monday 10th February 2003
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Thanks Guys,
Option 1 it is.
Installation should be fun, that AC rad is pretty close
and leaves little room for the nuts on the thro' the rad bolts. May have to improvise.

Dodger, nice car


david beer

3,982 posts

278 months

Monday 10th February 2003
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If you do go for two fans then having them with two speeds is a great bonus. Fully adjustable cut in points to set it all up properly. My Griff with this is as good as the original V8 viscous fan set up.