Ford 5.0 litre V8 280i ??

Ford 5.0 litre V8 280i ??


P Oxley

Original Poster:

15 posts

276 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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Rumour has it that a couple of Tasmins have had the 2.8 V6 swapped out with the Ford Mustang 5.0 litre V8. Does anyone have any knowledge of the whereabouts of these cars and owners? I think it was done in the States.Information on the technical details of this swap and what the end result was like in regard to handling, braking etc.would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Peter


27 posts

272 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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theory is good i am using a smallblock in a kit car, it is phsyically smaller than the Rover and although heavier it can be made lighter with heads and intake.
Capacity is what you need and you have got it in this swap.Gearbox should be Mustang T5, axle will take it and springs and brakes need upgrading.Good luck


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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I would also strengthen the chassis as well. Even the V8 ones start to twist with modest power...

If the car is a trailing arm... you will need to look at this as well to stop it twisting under power. Also the diff will probably need changaing for a LSD one.

To be honest in the UK... may be better off getting a V8 wedge in the first place.



86 posts

279 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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this is a topic i have alot of intrest in. ive been researching this for over a year now. and over this time i have talked to several people, one in PA who swapped out a thunderbid supercoupe 3.8 super charged v6 and 5 speed into his car, as well as missed the purchace of a 84 280i w/ a chevy 350 and th350 auto, i spoke w/ him and said his brother did the swap and had to re build the whole front frame to fit the large v8, but it was really fast and rather stright forward of an swap. and come to find out my machanic who works on my 280i actually swapped a carbed 302 into a 280i back in early 90s. the swap was started by the owner and he finished it, it used the stock 4 speed w/ an advanced adaptors bellhousing to bolt up to the 302. he said that the car was really fast and alot of fun, when i talked to him about doing the swap for me he said it would cost about $1500-1800 to complet it, that includes the most difficult part building an exhaust. ive also looked into the weight problem, i figure you can get a non powersteering, non ac, carbed 302 w/ alum heads and intake down to just under 400lbs, the stock 2.8 motor weighs 305ish lbs. this can be comprimised by doing what shpub did w/ his headlights that saves some weight off the extrem nose of the car, and i have to admit it looks really cool. also you and install heavior springs all around and i would consider running doul batteries and placing them in the rear of the car to help put some weight over the rear wheels. also i have thought of supporting the frame by installing a roll bar like seen in other wedges. and they look really cool when the top is down too. these are some of the ideas i have come up w/, also i have been looking alot into putting a ford 4.0 SOHC engine out of a new explorer or ranger. the SOHC motor has 207 hp from the factory and alum heads, and this is a 60 degree v6 which is the same block as out stock 280i motor. these motors can be bolted up to a ford t5 with minor work. also these motors can be supercharged and easily obtain more than 300hp. i am still in the research phase and trying to collect the funds to do this a motor swap the correct way. any other ideas send them my way.

mike kenney