Alternator/Radiator Hose

Alternator/Radiator Hose



Original Poster:

3 posts

291 months

Wednesday 12th September 2001
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On my 1983 US spec Tasmin, I have a problem preventing the vanes on the alternator from hitting the underside of my upper radiator hose. No matter how I adjust it, there is still interference. Any ideas on how to rectify, or any aftermarket alternator brackets(no A/C fitted) that will give more clearance?


30,572 posts

293 months

Wednesday 12th September 2001
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Lateral thinking, my alternator has a guard round the outside of the fan. There's actually nothing near it, but if there was if would be quite hard for anything to catch on the fan. This might not be a very elegant solution but it would be a whole lot easier than resiting things? Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)
On my 1983 US spec Tasmin, I have a problem preventing the vanes on the alternator from hitting the underside of my upper radiator hose. No matter how I adjust it, there is still interference. Any ideas on how to rectify, or any aftermarket alternator brackets(no A/C fitted) that will give more clearance?
Edited by Greenv8s on Thursday 13th September 13:57


2,869 posts

291 months

Wednesday 12th September 2001
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I have not got a guard on my alternator. Although I have seen many pics of wedges with them. Did they come as standard, or are they retro fitted by TVR to stop things like the bonnet sound dedening coming adrift and catching. Mike


534 posts

293 months

Thursday 13th September 2001
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Bonnet sound deadening coming adrift... What are you taking about, they never do that do they?
I have not got a guard on my alternator. Although I have seen many pics of wedges with them. Did they come as standard, or are they retro fitted by TVR to stop things like the bonnet sound dedening coming adrift and catching. Mike


36,010 posts

293 months

Friday 14th September 2001
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How about trying a pre formed pipe that avoids the vanes (probably already tried this?)Sounds like a mod has been done in the past?