track day brandshatch

track day brandshatch


morgan elliott

Original Poster:

5 posts

266 months

Sunday 2nd February 2003
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I'm doing my first track day 27 th feb at brandshatch,in my 400se I've had my pads changed to mintex and uprated my brake fluid to dot 5.1 had car checked, tyres good tread but not so3 etc any more tips ?


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 2nd February 2003
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Check your noise level first. Mine is almost certainly above most tracks without suppresion.

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Tuesday 4th February 2003
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I'd second that - I've got 111db at 4000 revs static with 100 typically the limit, and most single pipe wedges are 106db upwards. I think I'm going to have to buy one of 2Shed's dustbins as I cant think of anything else that will loose over 11db.

I'm pretty sure a tail bomb or insert wont offer enough reduction and might not be enough for even 6 or 7 db. If you are there Tim, what do you think??

By the way, whats the limit at Brands??

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Tuesday 4th February 2003
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Brm Brm said: I'd second that - I've got 111db at 4000 revs static with 100 typically the limit, and most single pipe wedges are 106db upwards. I think I'm going to have to buy one of 2Shed's dustbins as I cant think of anything else that will loose over 11db.

I'm pretty sure a tail bomb or insert wont offer enough reduction and might not be enough for even 6 or 7 db. If you are there Tim, what do you think??

By the way, whats the limit at Brands??

Hi Brm Brm, Wow 111 dba , i think you must have blasted out some of the silencer packing ! The problem on the large single tail wedge is that the tail bomb or insert will only have 1/2 the effect as the gas is travelling twice as fast, so "dustbin" might be the only way , i have one that reduces a SEAC to 96 dba, but requires a mount from under the bumper.
we could possibly do a "Y" or "T" piece on the tail to fit 2 stainless lightweight tail mufflers.
Brands if i remember correctly is 105 dba but this depends on no of cars on curcuit.


349 posts

287 months

Tuesday 4th February 2003
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Tim , i have an '88 390 SE with a Wedge automotive 'sports' system and have no idea of the dB level although reading Steve heaths guidelines i'm way over 99% of the circuit's levels.
Brands is my local track but has a low level from memory.
I would be very interested if you decide to manufacture what you were suggesting.

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Wednesday 5th February 2003
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andy390 said: Tim , i have an '88 390 SE with a Wedge automotive 'sports' system and have no idea of the dB level although reading Steve heaths guidelines i'm way over 99% of the circuit's levels.
Brands is my local track but has a low level from memory.
I would be very interested if you decide to manufacture what you were suggesting.

Hi Andy, the "Y" or "T" piece is something i am going to produce, if you wish email me to discuss further
Cheers Tim


2,505 posts

294 months

Wednesday 5th February 2003
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another option (not trying to do you out of business Tim!) is what I do:
Tower View insert plus a Merlin Motorsport muffler. The two combined take my 450SE from 114db at 4700 down to around 103 but more importantly gets it below the 100db limit when checked at 4500 revs. The Merlin one on its own takes off the bulk of the noise.


28,377 posts

295 months

Wednesday 5th February 2003
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I'm doing my first track day 27 th feb at brandshatch,in my 400se I've had my pads changed to mintex and uprated my brake fluid to dot 5.1 had car checked, tyres good tread but not so3 etc any more tips ?

I'll be at that track day. It IS the Bookatrack one, yes? Woohoo! Can't wait.

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Wednesday 5th February 2003
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cirks said: another option (not trying to do you out of business Tim!) is what I do:
Tower View insert plus a Merlin Motorsport muffler. The two combined take my 450SE from 114db at 4700 down to around 103 but more importantly gets it below the 100db limit when checked at 4500 revs. The Merlin one on its own takes off the bulk of the noise.

Yes i've done this on the Griffs, but they have 2 tails , i would be careful with a single tail as basically with a muffler & insert your effectively running with a single 1" bore, although its suprising how much power they seem to produce back pressure is enormous, use this option if you wish but i wouldn't recommend it.

bruce fielding

2,244 posts

293 months

Wednesday 5th February 2003
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I'm doing my first track day 27 th feb at brandshatch,in my 400se I've had my pads changed to mintex and uprated my brake fluid to dot 5.1 had car checked, tyres good tread but not so3 etc any more tips ?

You're obviously expecting to use the brakes a lot! Just don't forget to let them cool off on a cooling down lap and not to put the handbrake on in the pits (sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs, but cooking the pads is a surefire way to make mintex rich!)

morgan elliott

Original Poster:

5 posts

266 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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thanks for the advice will try to check out db level if it fails will try pocking a banana up the pipe and getting tow round brands !But seriously hire out noise meters £9 inc p and p so when it comes i will find out if i need a act silencer or not.

>> Edited by morgan elliott on Friday 7th February 23:03