Weatherproof Cover

Weatherproof Cover



Original Poster:

1,165 posts

278 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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I need to purchase a full weatherproof cover for my Wedge. It spends most of it's life outside and the cheap covers I am using at the moment don't keep the water out of the engine bay. I have a hood cover underneath the cheap full cover so at least the cabin stays dry.
After spending some time surfing I haven't actually found anyone that sells a full weatherproof cover, tailor made for a Wedge.
Can anyone help with sources, recommendations and prices.


96 posts

267 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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I had a cover made for my wife's Dolomite by Thoroughbred covers in Leeds (0113 279 5079 They have a range of fabrics available, we chose 95% weatherprrof fabric (evolution 4 I think) which I'm happy with for year round use on the Dolly rust trap. Cost around £200, seems expensive,but worth it. It's very breathable and thick/soft. He also does fold away 'garages'.

The service was fine, ordered and made in about 2 weeks.

There is also a company called Covercraft in London or another called Permabag. Good luck



1,223 posts

271 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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If you don't mind buying overseas, these people have a wedge pattern and the covers are great ($259.00).


260 posts

267 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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Try They do a 100% waterproff and ventilated cover for about 90 quid, including VAT and delivery. They also do a locking cable for it for about another tenner.


Original Poster:

1,165 posts

278 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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Many thanks for the replies. I have just ordered one from Thoroughbred as they did a tailor made top of the range one for the Wedge. Should have it in a week so I'll let you know.
Phil, noticed from your profile you live in Manchester, what area??


260 posts

267 months

Monday 10th February 2003
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Middleton, near Heywood, which is kind of near


Original Poster:

1,165 posts

278 months

Tuesday 11th February 2003
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Phil, I live in Urmston near Stretford. I see from your other thread you will be going to the Meeting tonight at the Swan. See you there. I'll be in an Omega Estate as the Wedge isn't on the road yet.