Large breasts...

Large breasts...



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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Anyone else going to VW tomorrow in a wedge?


3,972 posts

293 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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I know of at least one that will be joining us at Clackets..a of only seven made so I am told.

See you there, or be at my house by 9.20.
The neighbours are going to love me, @ 8 TVr's leaving at 9.30am on a Sunday morning, tee hee!!



583 posts

272 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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I hope to get there, probably late lunchtime. It would be good to see a few wedges.


6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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redwedge5 said: I hope to get there, probably late lunchtime. It would be good to see a few wedges.

I was there ... Blue 400SE (Dirty) parked next to the Leon Cupra R 's and the white porsche racer thing


Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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Ah-Ha! I can put a face to your name. I parked next to you in red 350i with nitrous-oxide, havent had much response to my posting about RWYB at North-Weald, see if you can rustle anymore wedges!