Wedge handling

Wedge handling



Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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My 'good nick' 87 350i is a delight to drive on smoother roads. Not too bad in the wet either. However, put it on a bumpy country road and it belongs in the Bolshoi ballet! It dances around after any semi serious bump. From what I have read about wedges and other TVR's this is quite normal. Time to ask the oracle.


6,025 posts

294 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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My 'good nick' 87 350i is a delight to drive on smoother roads. Not too bad in the wet either. However, put it on a bumpy country road and it belongs in the Bolshoi ballet! It dances around after any semi serious bump. From what I have read about wedges and other TVR's this is quite normal. Time to ask the oracle.

I find that my 400 alwasy has been sure footed regardless of road surface. Mind you ... I have new shocks and springs (5 years ago (20,000miles).
What i have noticed is that the faster i go, the better the car holds the road! must be my cheapo tyres


166 posts

269 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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me too i have a 87 350i and it's like being on a bouncey castle, on uneven roads, i live on the Romney marsh area off Kent and do on many occaision bang my exhaust on the tar mac driving through the lanes,
before i got the wedge i had a 205 mi16 twin cam pug which would run rings around my wedge, but i must say
there is nothing that sound better then a v8 trying


paul dacosta

22 posts

274 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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iv'e got a 85 350i trailing arm model.just replaced shocks but set at normal setting.around corners it would squirm bounce.awful.... just wind them up abit and the handling and ride is transformed into
something half decent.


3,800 posts

290 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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What condition are your anti-roll bar bushes in? When I replaced the very k'ned end bushes at the wishbone link on mine it made a big difference.
Tower view sell a poly version. for much cheapness


2,190 posts

280 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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I've got to say that mine would best be described as 'nervous'. Wet days tend to have more than their fair share of buttock clenching moments.

New everything on the suspension, so that can't be blamed.
It purely has to be a particulary crap setup I've got dialled in at the moment.

I reckon I need to find me a tame suspension guru and get an opinion.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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Call Mark at Towerview to get the best setup


349 posts

287 months

Tuesday 4th February 2003
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Check your Ford cortina comliance bar bushes (locating the lower front suspension arm for' and 'aft.)
If it's seriously bump-steering,(which mine is) then these may be shot.
have just discovered mine have fell to bits in the last six months and am replacing them with poly ones.


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 4th February 2003
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paul dacosta said: iv'e got a 85 350i trailing arm model.

Mine had the pivot bushes (right term for the trailing arm bush to chasis?) that had torn out. Pin had seized. Hell of a lot better when I replaced them.


Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Saturday 8th February 2003
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Thanks for all the info. I think I will go for the front suspension overhaul/polybush route. Went for a blast today - terrific!

Oh. If the stupid ignorant prat in that silly white van can read and then is intelligent enough to a) operate a PC and B) get to this web site you now know what a TVR is all about - don't you...