Waterproofing Hoods

Waterproofing Hoods



Original Poster:

117 posts

283 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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My poor old hood's looking a bit sorry at the moment. It seems to have lost it's waterproofing... I'm probably going to have to replace it soon, but in the meantime, can anyone recommend a good fabric sealant / restorer to tide me over? Thanks!


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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Thompsons water seal. yes the stuff that seals bricks (and canvas).



856 posts

293 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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I went to my local caravan and camping place and got a liter of Fablon Fabric proofer, used on tents and awnings. I gave my roof 2 coats and the water is still beading on the roof 12 months later, and I have still got 75% left. The only problem with this is that water pools on your roof, so when you get into your car, go round that first left hand corner at the bottom of the street and you have your window onpen slightly, you get pi**ed wet through. Good stuff though and was not expensive. It did re-darken the fabric slightly too !!!

