280i carburettor conversion

280i carburettor conversion



Original Poster:

12 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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I have been unable to cure a cut-out problem in my 1984 280i FHC and feel it is within the fuel injection system. Has anyone converted a 2.8 to a carburettor system?


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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What's it doing exactly?



Original Poster:

12 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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The engine will cut out while running and not restart. I have changed the pressure control regulator, temp. sensor, fuel pump, distributor cap/wires and had it looked at by two very respected TVR mechanics here in the states and a local VW shop with a good reputation for Bosch electrics. I'd welcome any opinions.


86 posts

279 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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youll have to get a set of heads off i beilve a mustang II 2.8 and an offenhiser 4 bbl intake manifold. b/c the 280i has only 2 port heads adn i donno of anyone that makes intakes for those. and you could use a standard 390cfm holly on there. there was one on ebay a few months back. the guy had the heads, intake manifold, and headers. thats the other thign youll have to get headers and you might run into problems when it comes to fitting them to your stock exhaust. i thought of going this way, but i found a guy who used to do alot of work on these in teh 80s. so i took it to him and mine runs bueatiful now. wehre are you from, maybe if your in the new england area he can help you.

jeff m

4,061 posts

269 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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Cutting out and will not restart when hot.
I would look at the coil before spending all that money. The fuel filter and pos the WUR.
Have you tried a Porsche independent mech, the 1973+ cars had CIS.
You could also take a look at www.pelicanparts.com, it's a Porsche site with plenty of information and a very useful CIS fault chart.
Good luck


13 posts

265 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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I bought an '85 in December and have not really had a chance to drive and get to know the car, but it would probably be a good idea for me to get the name of your mechanic. I live in Northwest Connecticut. Where are you located?



Original Poster:

12 posts

269 months

Monday 3rd February 2003
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Rob/WEDGSTER, I'm in Norwich CT and my mechanic is Tom at the British T Shop 860-889-0178. Lots of TVR knowledge and a great guy. Jim


13 posts

265 months

Tuesday 4th February 2003
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Thanks! I'll save his number. Can't wait for spring.I live across the road from the Limerock race track, you'll have to bring your car over some time. And I have make regular trips over to visit the Indians, we will have to hook up.

To the forum: I am thinking that a roll bar would be a good idea...any sources?



86 posts

279 months

Tuesday 4th February 2003
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Motor Cars 508 697 5921 in bridgewater ma.