Help from Canada

Help from Canada


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Canadian Pistonheads:

About three months ago, I read a message on the 'V8 Wedges in the States' thread on One of the posts indicated that Canadians are allowed to bring in a non-conforming car when it is 16 years old. Is this without any modifications? I am working on importing a 450 SE to the United States, and since I am virtually self-employed, and my work has taken me to Toronto on occaision, I may declare part-year residency and see about keeping the car registered and stored in Canada. This would be a better solution than modifying the car to comply with NHTSA and US Customs. Although there are some other more drastic alternatives available, I see this as the lowest-threat (in terms of preservation) way of importing and keeping the car original/unmodified. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for you time.


Shawn Ford