iridium spark plugs

iridium spark plugs



Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Anybody tried Iridium plugs yet? The theory sounds good!
Couldnt find anything about B7EC plugs on the NGK site
so couldnt find the iridium equivalent.But after an hour of searching i came up with a cross reference chart on the Denso site. So i thought i'd pass it on.
They cross ref NGK BPR6ES plugs with Denso IW20 plugs.
Anyone tried them or found the NGK equivalent?


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Save your money.



80 posts

278 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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They where pretty handy in my 1.65bar cossie though..


Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Just read some threads on engine forum.......
B7ECS it is then boyos.....Pity they dont make em anymore!!! But i supose theres a hidden stock somewhere......


156 posts

267 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Dont make them anymore??? Dont worry I have 650 of the things shoud last a while


70 posts

269 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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You can still get NGK B7ES, dont know if these are the same as NGK B7ECS. ?


Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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see what i mean!!!
so how much for eight Rolex?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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dickymint said: Just read some threads on engine forum.......
B7ECS it is then boyos.....Pity they dont make em anymore!!! But i supose theres a hidden stock somewhere......

Who says they don't make them anymore?

They may be a special order.

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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dickymint said: Just read some threads on engine forum.......
B7ECS it is then boyos.....Pity they dont make em anymore!!! But i supose theres a hidden stock somewhere......

First i've heard about this. I have no problem getting them.


Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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NGK dont list them so its a good assumption they dont make them or have changed the code.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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dickymint said: NGK dont list them so its a good assumption they dont make them or have changed the code.

They never have... I get mine from Autoserv in Milton Keynes. The 520 eats them instead of Weetabix.


Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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Well just to clarify this ive just sent them an email to confirm what the situation is. And im off to see my broker to sell all my shares in Iraqi oil and buy up all the B7ECS he can get.


Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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Well would you believe it.... i was wrong again
This is the reply from NGK -

Dear Sir

NGK Spark Plugs still manufacture B7ECS, we have plenty in stock.

Any NGK stockist can order this part number for you the stock number for
the plug is 2528.

I hope that this helps with your enquiry.

So ill just hang my head in shame and stand in the corner