Surrey Run 3

Surrey Run 3



Original Poster:

6,025 posts

294 months

Sunday 26th January 2003
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Just back from the Surrey Run part 3.
excellent day out, sadly only one wedge there - mine. Still, turned a few heads and raised a few eye browes with the fire breathing and the awsome sound of a wedge at full throttle

Need to muster some more support for the next Surrey Run ... the wedges were even out numbered by the 2-V8S's that turned up !


70 posts

269 months

Sunday 26th January 2003
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I was going, but hangover got in the way. Bad excuse i know, but if your going to Virginia water, you wont be the only wedge.


Original Poster:

6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 27th January 2003
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Yep, will be there.... joining the dorset lot as the pass Andover and Basingstoke


21,562 posts

295 months

Monday 27th January 2003
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I had hoped to go but the SEAC's having a
winter makeover.

Just picked up the refurbished OZ wheels this

Chassis cleanup and re-paint next weekend and a
huge service & brake upgrade by Peninsular at
the end of Feb.

Hope to see you at one of the other events.


Original Poster:

6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 27th January 2003
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rev-erend said: I had hoped to go but the SEAC's having a
winter makeover.

Just picked up the refurbished OZ wheels this

Chassis cleanup and re-paint next weekend and a
huge service & brake upgrade by Peninsular at
the end of Feb.

Hope to see you at one of the other events.

ahh will probably catch up with your car at Peninsula.. will be down there first week feb


629 posts

278 months

Monday 27th January 2003
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I'm hopping to be there in the 350i so I'll come over and say Hi.



26,502 posts

269 months

Monday 27th January 2003
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never been on a run. give me some details and ill do me best to catch up with you guys